Chapter 3- Agent G?!

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Previously on space guardians...
"Who the heck are you!!" Shouted Katie so confused on what she just saw.
"Oh... sorry love... knew you would be confused... I'm Agent G and I need your help"

Everyone just stared at her in shocked like they were suppose to know who this women was. Finally Danny broke the silence saying "Umm... excuse me but who are you!!"
"I already said who I am, I am agent g at your service she replied back smiling. "Yeah but like where do you come from?" Asked Rosey.

"Oh.... I came from the year 5010" she said so calmly like this is what she said everyday of her life. "WHAT?!?!" Everyone shouted as Agent G covered her ears. "Alright, alright stop shouting!!" Replied Agent G.

"So your from the year 5010 but you still look cute thou" suddenly Archer said out of the blue as he winked at Agent G. All she did was smile cutely and say "I'm flattered but I have a boyfriend and your not my type you understand right?" Archer just looked at her so shocked as when archer flirts with people no one rejects him, it felt like a knife was going in his heart breaking it in a thousands pieces.

After the silence, Katie just starts to laugh sk loudly like the mad hatter. "Oh.. boy you just got rejected this is too great!!" She replied still laughing as archer just gave her the death glare. "Alright are we done now, I need your help and you guys are the only ones to help me please" Agent G begged. "What can we do to help you?" Questioned Danny. "I need you to defeat lord vex for me" she replied still in her calm voice. "Who is this lord vex sounds like a powerful person" thought rosey.

"кто такой лорд раздражает?" Questioned Echo as everyone stared at him super confused. (Translate: who is lord vex?) Agent G crossed her arms like she was having the amp and said "come on echo just speak English everyone's getting confused" "wait... how does she know my name?" Echo thought. "You're thinking how I know your name? Well I know all your names Rosey, Archer, Danny and Katie and of course you echo" she replied. "What how?!" Echo says out loud that makes everyone stumble back not knowing that echo could speak English as well.

Suddenly archer held up his hand to say something "wait.wait.wait! The Russian person could speak English all along!" "Yes d!psh!t I could speak English all along I just chose not to" he replied back. All rosey saw was archer's mouth wide open as rosey just cut in saying "anyway would do we have to do to help you?"
"Well... you need to become the space guardians to defeat lord vex of course" she said calmly as usual. Danny looked shocked as he has heard of the space guardians but thought they were legends or myths they tell you as children.

"Wait! I thought the space guardians are just a myth they aren't actually real are they?" Questioned Danny. "Well you just in luck, the space guardians and you five are chosen to become them" she replied smiling so sweetly. "But what does this lord vex looks like just asking" rosey asked nervously. "Don't be nervous rosey I'm harmless, this is what lord vex looks like" agent g replied back as a hologram showed up right in front of them showing them lord vex looking superior as ever.

"Looks quite ugly if I do say so myself..." muttered Katie. "Yes I have to give you that, he is ugly" whispered back rosey. "Yes so this is him... and you need all the help you get so that's why I'm here" agent g replied. "Well what do we have to do? Questioned echo quietly. "Well you need to go through this portal that I just came out and we will be on my spaceship then I'll explain everything from there... so who's in?" Questioned Agent g looking so hopeful that they will say yes.

"Do I really want to do this? Defeat this lord vex? But what if I die or get hurt really badly??" Rosey thought but then gathered her courage to say "I'm in, I help you agent g" smiling at her as she saw agent g smile back at her. As rosey said that she heard Katie's voice say "if rosey is in, then I'm in we will do this together" as she step up with rosey smiling.

Danny finally stood up with courage saying "I'll do it as well, I've always wanted to be a hero and be a space guardian sounds epic!" Shouted Danny as rosey and Katie stared at Danny. "What? Sorry I'm really in to this" relied Danny trying to give them a reason why he was excited. Rosey looked at echo, he looked so nervous like he didn't really fit in but rosey being a really nice person she decided to give him some confidences. "Come on, we really need you and we all know you can do" courage rosey. "I don't think you can do" archer explained as that made echo more scared and kinda more nervous. "Don't listen to him I know you can do it, you just got to believe in yourself" rosey still courage echo. Echo looked at rosey like she was a crazy person telling him to a crazy thing in his life.

After, rosey's persuasion echo finally gave in and said "fine I'll do it" looking at rosey with a nod trying to say she is thankful for saying that as echo saw from rosey was a really nice smile. Everyone had said that they will do it but everyone accept archer. "Archer do you accept this?" Questioned agent g looking at archer in a serious way. Archer looked at everyone who was there, thinking what he should do. "Should I do this with all these weirdos? But I really would like to see a spaceship thou" archer thought.

After some thinking he  finally said his answer. "I'll do it! As along as I get to see all the cool Galaxy cause they are really cool!" Shouted archer looking excited. Everyone just turned to look at him, looking surprised as ever. "Since when did he like space so much" Katie,Echo,Danny and rosey thought.

"Alright then, if everyone is aboard, then let's go" explained Agent g as she went though the portal she just came out of. Everyone looked shocked and excited that they were doing this. "Alright let's be the space guardians!" Rosey said to everyone as they all went in the portal.

Back to lord vex...

"So they all agreed to do it, specially that wretched Danny, I thought taking his parents away would leave him depressed and miserable but no he keeps on trying!!" Shouted lord vex slamming his fist on his throne. "But my lord we can easily destroy them or we can make them one of us maybe?" Questioned Ami looking at his lord with hopeful eyes. "One of us?! One of US?!?" Repeated lord vex looking angry as ever. "I will NOT have those vile children becoming one of us?! All though one them does surprise me, they have great power in them" said lord vex to Ami.

"Yes they have great power my lord, great power indeed" repeated Ami forming an evil smirk as they try to figure out a plan to destroy them all.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Who was lord vex talking about when he said they have "great power in them?" Byeeee :)

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