Ch-3 Meeting the Weasleys and the Boy-Who-Lived

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On our way out of Gringotts I asked my dad if I could get an owl. He said yes. I was so excited! My dad said that we could stop at Eeylops Owl Emporium before we leave, so we didn't have to carry my owl around.

Our first stop was Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, to get my school robes. As we were entering the shop a blonde-haired boy and mother stormed out and we had barely enough time to react.

"Wow. I wonder what made them so made father."

"Oh. There just the Malfoy's."

"The Malloy's? Who are they?"

"Well, the MalFoy's for one are a bunch of stuck up people who think they're better than everyone else just because they are pure-blooded. So they pretty much hate anyone under it."

"That's terrible."

"Yeah it is. That's what insider wan to become. One reason why I married your mother." He said in a lovely thoughtful voice.

And with that we walked in. I saw a fairly old women, i guess to be Madame Malkin, dressing someone already but she said, "Oh. Hello deary! Here for you school robes too?"

"Yeah" I replied.

"Well, go ahead and stand up on that platform it'll be only a moment."

As I stepped up on the platform my dad asked if I wanted some ice-cream while I was waiting. I stated 'sure', and he said that he'd be right back. Then he pivoted and left out of the front door.

Once he left, I realized that me and a dark-haired boy were left all alone. I guess she went for more robes. So, I tried to introduce myself. "Hey. My name' Alexis."

"You talking to me?" He turned so we were face to face. Wow, he had wonderful green eyes.

"Yeah. Who else?" I gestured around.

"Right. We're alone... Umm my name's Harry. Harry Potter."

My mouth dropped open and my eyes bulged. "Your THE Harry Potter?"


"Oh my god. It's a pleasure to meet you! Is it true that you have the scar?" Holy crap I'm talking to Harry bloody Potter.

The vanquisher of the Dark Lord himself.

"Yeah. I do." He lifted up his hair to reveal a lighting bolt carved into his skin.

"That's amazing. Sorry if this is a little uncomfortable I'll stop asking questions if you want."

"No. It's fine hitting a lot of thank you's and stuff today. So I'm used to it. Sorry, but what's your name again? I didn't quite catch it."

"Oh. It's Alexis Greene."

"Well, Alexis you-."

"You can call me Lexie if you want. I'd prefer it." I interrupted.

"Ok. Lexie, I think your nice person want to be friends?"

"SURE! I'm mean sure.... Um thanks."

"No problem."

Then Madame Malkin came back downstairs with what I presumed was Harry's robes.

"Here you go sweetie. That'll be a Galleon and five sickles."

"Kay, here you go." Said The Boy Who Lived taking out the money from his pocket.

"Thank you."replies the gray haired women.

"Ummm... See you on the first. Lexie."

"Kay. See you 'round."

He raven-haired boy left. And I stood there in thought while the owner of the shop fitted me to my clothes. "I am now friends with the Harry Potter. The one who gave the Wizarding World peace. For now...

Alexis Greene: Book 1 (Based on Harry Potter books/movies)Where stories live. Discover now