Ch-5 Platform 9 3/4

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I week or so later after Diagon Alley (I lost track of time playing with Apollo and fawning over my wand) it was September first and I knew what that meant. It was the day to leave my cozy and warm house and get on a train to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding. I was so excited. I was wondering what house I'd be sorted into. There is Griffindor for the brave and courageous. Hufflepuff for the friendly and loyal(and they're good finders). Ravenclaw for the smart and funny. Lastly, there's Slytherin for the sly and cunning. Any house would be fine, and belong in all of them, but my dad's side of the family has a tradition of being in Griffindor. Personally, I didn't care at all. So I wonder which it will be. I'll find out as soon as I arrive there.

"Hey Lex! You ready?" That's my mum calling. She took of work so she could see me off with dad.

"Yeah! Almost! Just got to grab Apollo and I'll be down."

"Kay!" She shouted.

"Apollo come here." He was sitting on my windowsill and he needed to be in his metal cage. "Come on boy." I held my arm out and he flew across my zebra-themed room. "Good boy. Now can you get in your cage?"

He stepped in and I closed the door. "Excellent work. Here's a treat." I have him one if the mice he brought back when I let him out for the first time.

He promptly ate at it and stare and me for more, so I fed him one. "No more for now, we have to get going." Apollo hooted in protest. "Oh come on." I picked him up and walked downstairs.

"Oh you going to wear that?" My dad questioned.

"Yeah. What's wrong with it?" I replied looking down. It was just a black and silver District Four shirt for my favorite muggle fandom, the Hunger Games, it was right next to Percy Jackson.

"Oh nothing but you don't just wear muggle shirts at Hogwarts."

"Well, I can wear what I want. I don't care."

"I know I'm just saying."

"Well, I'm keeping it on."

"Ok but-"

"Come on stop arguing we only have an hour and a half to get to King's Cross." My mom interrupted.

"Sorry" I said.

"It's ok."

So we hurried to the car and drive off. I put my headphones to my iPhone in and listened to my favorite band "The Script" they are so much better than one direction. But that's what I think. I also like Maroon 5, Matchbox 20, Fall Out Boy, Lifehouse, etc.

I started to think about who I'll meet at Hogwarts. I already have four people I can hang out with and that doesn't include Ginny because she's coming to Hogwarts next year. Oh my God. I have Harry Potter as a friend. THE Harry Potter. The fudging boy who lived for God's sake. So I'm absolutely happy that I met him. I'm sure he feels the same way. To have a witch like me as a friend. I won't bother him that he's the vanquisher of the Dark Lord. But in my mind that's a different story.

Then there's Ron. The one who introduces himself to me! Other than vise-versa. I'm sure we would've been friends anyway. I mean my dad went in the Order with his mum so... They would've probably seen each other at the platform and introduce their kids. Ron was also the one who introduced me to the twins.

The twins. How do I start on them? Well..... They're just like me! They love to prank and now I'm gonna be their new partner I crime.i wonder what they can do with magic. 'Cause I went in the joke shop on Diagon Alley and the stuff there looked amazing. My dad wouldn't let me get anything though, it's a good thing too. I mean you know how much trouble I would get in? Yeah you're right. A LOT OF TROUBLE! Even without the twins I would've but with them I have some fellow pranksters with me. So I can't wait to go with them.



So, after listening to two albums from The Script and Maroon 5 we found our destination. We parked and we knew that we only had about twenty minutes to get on the train, so we quickly unloaded the my dad's green Camaro and rushed to the platform.

When get found platform's nine and ten I saw Ron.

''RON!" he looked behind to see where I was. I ran up to him.

"Oh. Lexie. You're just in time." He said.

"Yeah we had traffic on the way here."

"Wow. Here you go first." He pointed to the barrier to 9 3/4.

I knew I had to run right between the nine and ten so I wet for it. I started at a full run and felt a tingling sensation as I passed through. Ron almost crashed into me as I got through.

"Watch where you're going clusmy!"

"Sorry. Maybe you should move next time."

"How 'bout me move now. My mum and dad are coming through like right now."

"Yeah. Let's do that." He replied. When we got a safe distance away from the wall. My parents appeared from the barrier.

"Here, Lex give me your trunk and I'll take care of it." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

"Well, I better go with him." My mum stated. "Give your mother a hug." We embraced and then I let go but she wouldn't.

"Mum? Mum! You can let go now."

"Right." She dropped her arms. "It's just that my baby is a witch and she's leaving for the entire year."

"I'll be home on break."

"Yeah but it won't be the same."

"True. But remember that I'm happy."

"I will." And on that I said my byes and left with Ron.

"Well, your family's nice." He said.

"So is yours."

"You haven't seen my family at home. It's chaos." He said in a louder voice.

"I bet it is."

"Come on let's find my family."

So we searched and they weren't that hard to find. I looked for a big group of red-heads. And after a few seconds I found them.

"There they are!" I yelled while pointing.

"Yup. Come on!"

I counted them mentally there were the five there instead of seven. I looked and realized that the dad and Percy wasn't there, the dad must've been working and percy must be already on the train. Ron went up to his family.

"Oh. There you are Ron. We though you didn't get in!"

"Yeah bro." Said one of the twins.

"Here, let me take these for you so we can get on the training time." Said the other.

"Oh look George! It's our new friend, Alexis! Hey!" Said the first.

"Oh yeah! How you doing?"

"Hey. Fred,George,Ginny, Mrs. Weasley. I'm doing well."

"Hey" they said in unison.

"Good." Said George. "We need our new partner in good shape if we want some nice jokes this year."

"Yeah." Said Fred.

"Well, we better get these loaded" George gestured to the trunks. "You two should get on the train."

"Yeah we should." Replied Ron "Come on." He took my hand and we ran to the nearest door on the train. I saw my parents, I waved and they waved back. Then I fully steps in and followed Ron to find an empty car. We have a lot of talking to do about us and our families.


Another chapter done!!!!!!! Well, I'm leaving school wary tomorrow so maybe a few more chapter for yous guys!!! Any guess of who'll i'll meet??? Well you'll find out tomorrow!!!



(Sorry for bad quality done on phone)


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