Ch-8 Screwed and Introducing The Greengrasses

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Let me tell you something. My dad, he's a die hard Griffindor. When he finds out that I'm in Slytherin, he will kill me. And I'm not exaggerating. To be exact his last words be for I went on the train were, "You better be in Griffindor or terrible things might happen."

I know my dad's so nice and everything but he can be an arse.

Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. He's going to bloody murder me. I'll just have to keep calm until he finds out. Damn it I forgot he told me to owl him when I found out. Guess I have to do that tomorrow.

Anyway, I made it over to the Slytherin table and sat down across from two nice looking identical twins. They had long pale blonde hair. But one had green eyes and the other had a pale blue/gray eyes. "Hey." I said.

"Hi." Said the one with blue eyes.

"Hello." The other said.

"My name's Alexis Greene. But most people call me Lexie What's yours?"

"Mines Daphne. And this is Astoria. Umm. Greengrass by the way." Said the first.

"Nice." I said.

Then I heard Profesor McGonagall say, "Ronald Weasley." I turned away from the Greengrasses to watch Ron's sorting. It was no surprise to see the tattered old hat announce that he was in Griffindor. Seeing as his whole family's in it. Then I went back to talking to my new friends.

So, after a few minutes I heard Harry's name called. I let my attention go to his sorting, like everyone else in the Hall. I saw Harry reluctantly go up to the stool and sit down. McGonagall place the Sorting Hat on his head. I saw Harry whispering something to himself and then the Hat called out, "Griffindor!"

The lions erupted in cheers as Harry made his way down to his seat. I'm a little disappointed because none of the people I met earlier are in my new house. But don't get me wrong, I'm proud of Harry and Ron. I'm just a little left out.

Then I heard Professor Dumbledore say, "Now that the Sorting is done, it is time for the Feast." He clapped is hands together and on the not-so-empty plates was all the food you could imagine. There was chicken, turkey, potatoes, and some other stuff (too many to name) all right in front of me.

I went straight for the chicken and potatoes because that's like the only things I eat other than pizza, pasta, Chinese, or any Asian food. Yeah, I know I need to eat more food. But, I'm not a big meat fan.

I wasn't really that hungry. If I didn't eat all the damn candy on the train... Oh well, it's worth it. I heard that after the feast and whole bunch of sweets will appear! (Like I need anymore.)

"So..." Said Astoria looking at me. "Tell me little about yourself."

"Well," I started. "I grew up in Devon, England. My dad's a pure-blooded wizard but my mom's a muggle, so I'm a half-blood. My mom has a really great paying job so we're practically rich. Umm, I went to a boarding school with muggles so I picked up few things." Gesturing to my Hungers Games shirt.

"What does your shirt say?" Asked Daphne.

"It say District Four on it. It's from a muggle book/movie. I meant to take it off on the Express but I guess I was too excited."


"Anyway, at my old school I had a group of a few friends that I always went around pranking with. We'd always get in trouble but we didn't care. That school was B-O-R-I-N-G. So, when it was the last week of my last year there we pulled a huge prank on the dean there. We were messing with him all day. Somehow my friend was able to dye his hair and all his clothes hot pink.Still don't know how she did it, but I was hilarious. We also place all of the teachers stuff on the roof. We could've gotten in a whole lot of trouble if we did this during the year, like not the last week. I mean, what were they going to do? Expel us? We were never coming back anyway, so do your worst!"

By this time we were all laughing. Man, just remembering the times I had with my old friends made me miss them but I got some new ones so I'll be ok.

Then when most of the students in the Hall were done with dinner I saw the left over food dissolve away and being replace with colorful desserts.

There was all sorts of cake, chocolate things, cobblers tarts, I think I saw mince pies too, and other pies and of coarse they was Wizarding candies too.

"Oh my gods. What do I pick?" I said.

"I don't know. But I'm heading for the delicious looking shortcake." Replied Astoria.

I looked over to see where the shortcake was and it did look delicious. It had whipped cream, chocolate fudge, and some fruit, like strawberries or blueberries. But as I was looking around I saw my favorite treat. Brandy Snaps. Basically it's like a conollii but its dipped in golden syrup, it also has a cream filling with no fruit. It also has ginger in it. Oh, yeah and they are baked so they're "healthy".

So, I picked up a few of them and despite my not-so hungriness I promptly ate all of them. "Mmmmmmm these are so good."

"Yeah they are. They're like my favorite." Replied Daphne, who was also eating the snaps.

"Oh my gods they're my favorite too!"

"That's so cool. And why gods?"

"Oh. It's just the muggle books I've been reading."

"That's cool."

"So, you guys never told me about your family and life."

"Well, there's not much to say." Replied Astoria. "We grew up in an all Pure-Bled family so we didn't have much interactions with muggles. Our dad taught us basic magical stuff and we would usually go to Diagon Alley for fun every once in a while."

"Sounds pretty boring." I concluded.

"Yeah it is. Our parents are pretty strict." Stated Daphne.

"That sucks. Maybe during the school year you guys can let loose. Not get in any big trouble. But get loose."

"Yeah we plan to do just that." Said Astoria.

Then all the dessert disappeared, and Dumbledore announced that its time to was to our dormitories. So the Greengrasses and I followed the prefects to our dorms.



So, yesterday was my b-day and today is 'lovers' day so I felt that I should write a chapter. So there it is.

Now I know that Daphne and Astoria are two years apart(am I right?) and not twins, but this is my FanFic and I'll do what I want. Also, remember that all rights belong to J.K. Rowling except for my personal ideas and characters.

Sorry for the bad language I usually don't curse much but I can do it all I want in this!


With sweet kisses,


(Sorry for bad quality)

Alexis Greene: Book 1 (Based on Harry Potter books/movies)Where stories live. Discover now