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kim sunoo

being a singer isn't easy, especially when you're a singer at bighit, one of the biggest entertainment industries out there.

but what makes it even harder is the fact that you're dating kim sunoo.

i let out a sigh as i grabbed all the the paperwork scattered on my desk in which mr. sihyuk asked for, and walked out of my office. i marched down the hall, the stack of papers in my hands decreasing my normal speed. the sound of muffled crying quickly caught my attention. i stopped walking. it sounded like it's coming from...

sunoo's room?

i silently placed the stack of papers beside the doorframe of the room, before tip toeing towards the door, careful not to make a sound. something tells me that i shouldn't go in.

"but how do i tell her, sunghoon?"
you instantly recognized the voice as your boyfriend's. the sound of his broken and hoarse voice made your heart feel heavy in your chest. "you need to tell her, sunoo. one way or another. she wouldn't want to find out from anyone else." sunghoon's voice spoke from inside.

what are they talking about?

"it's not that easy, sunghoon. i can't just tell someone i love that i suddenly need to break up with her!"
i took a slight step back from the door, my eyes brimming with teas. my breathing became irregular as i continued listening in. "sunoo." sunghoon's stern voice spoke. "it's either her or your career."

i twisted the door handle, taking only one step inside the room. my cheeks were glistening, and i was biting my lip to prevent my crying from being heard. both sunoo and sunghoon stood up from the floor they were sitting on seconds ago, shock and regret evident on their faces. "you don't have to tell me anything, sunoo." i spoke, my voice low and cracked.

"y/n, baby-" sunoo tried rushing towards me, but i quickly slipt out the door and started running down the hall, forgetting the papers that laid beside the doorframe.

i need to be away from here, and fast.

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