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park sunghoon

your eyes peel open at the sound of your apartment neighbor accidentally slamming his door; you assume he's late for work, as he's mentioned that he tends to sleep in. internally groaning, you rub the sleep from your eyes as you turn to the side. beside you sleeps your boyfriend, soft snores peacefully escaping his lips as he remains undisturbed.

"sunghoon." you softly whisper, voice still laced with a little sleep.

the male doesn't stir, the soft snoring continuing. you release a chuckle, shaking your head amusedly as you reach a hand out to move a few strands of hair away from his face. the gesture causes him to scrunch his nose, yet he continues to sleep.

you did tell him to sleep early the night before, especially since you both have been very busy with classes. sunghoon reasoned that his class was still in the afternoon the next day, and he was making the most of his less-busy day to play computer games with ni-ki and heeseung.

so you left him with the guys, his bright smile and bubbly laughter echoing in your apartment. you'd study your biology textbooks with a smile on your face, already quite sure that he'd be sleeping at an hour like 3:00 am.

and you were probably right, seeing as how it was almost 8:30 am in the morning, and he was yet to wake. he may have had several hours before his class, but you had one in just an hour.

"sunghoon." you try again, this time shaking his shoulder.

the male only grumbles a reply, nodding his head for no apparent reason. you check the alarm clock on your bedside table to make sure you have enough time. once you're sure you can still spare a few minutes, you lean over to pepper soft kisses all over sunghoon's face. at first, it doesn't make a difference, but once your lips touch his, a small smile slowly graces his features.

languidly, sunghoon's arms wrap around you so that he can pull you closer. his lips connect with yours once more, slow kisses after another. everything about it is almost lazy with not much effort or force being put into it, but it does make both of you giggle into each other's mouths.

"i need to get ready for class, sung." you speak against his lips.

sunghoon mumbles, voice quite incoherent as he tries to shake the sleep off, "...little more...just a few more...min...stay."

"few more minutes? stay?" you giggle, kissing the tip of his nose, "i can't, unfortunately. i really need to go."

sunghoon's eyes finally open, still hazy with sleep yet warm and comforting. the small smile on his lips extends a bit wider as he nods. "alright, i'll get up too." he yawns.

the comedic expression on his face causes you to laugh and playfully slap his chest before you get up. you grab a towel and head towards the bathroom, turning back to steal a quick glance at your boyfriend. he, however, has fallen back to sleep with a small pout on his lips.

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