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nishimura riki

riki was a distraction. a welcomed one but a distraction nonetheless. staring intensely in the mirror as you attempted to wing your eyeliner, your focus faltered as the man let out a "woah" from the bathroom entryway.

he had planted himself in the doorway, leaning against the frame, a bottle of iced coffee in his hands as he studied you with interest. a small smile curved on your lips at the sound of his astonishment for your adequate makeup skills.

"that looks hard," he noted, your smile widening.

"don't make me laugh," you spoke calmly, flashing him a playful glare in the mirror. "it is hard."

"sorry," he replied with a guilty dimply grin. "it's just fascinating."

lowering the eyeliner pen, you cocked your head to the side scrutinizingly. "you get your makeup done all the time," you reminded him. "like, professionally."

"but I don't get my eyeliner done like that," he beamed at you as you chuckled lightly. "and I don't do it myself," he added, you humming as you returned to your task, trying to get the line just right before you had to head off to work. "you should come do my makeup sometime, sunghoon hyung probably wouldn't let you do his though" he teased, causing you to scoff at him.

"i can see the tweets now," you mumbled as you stared at your eyelid in the mirror. "what the fuck happened to enhypen's face?" you joked. and once again, your focus shifted from your makeup to watch riki as he ducked his chin toward his chest, cute breathy laughs leaving his lips.

as your boyfriend took a drink of his coffee, you paused on your makeup, turning to face him.

"hey ki," you called out, the boy's eyes widening in response. "can you do me a favor and find my silver hoop earrings for me? they should be on my dresser in a little dish."

riki nodded instantly, pushing himself from the door frame. "silver hoops?" he asked for confirmation.

"or whatever you think will look good with my outfit," you smiled, gesturing down to your outfit with your hands. as the boy studied your clothing, you twirled, riki chuckling as he nodded.

"sexy," he teasingly flirted, drawing another scoff from you though you couldn't wipe the fond smile off your face. "i'll be right back," he added quickly before turning toward the hallway to retrieve some earrings.

as riki entered your room, his eyes instantly found the small white dish that held various earrings and rings sitting atop the wooden dresser. making a beeline to it, he reached for the ceramic bowl, lifting it off the surface, his fingers carefully sifting through the silver and gold items. however, there were no hoop earrings to be found.

pulling his eyebrows together in confusion, he scanned over the dresser in search of the earrings or anything else that would complement your outfit nicely. however, he found no hoops, and not much else for earrings beyond some dangly gold ones and some flashier pink ones.

setting the dish down, his focus switched to the vintage porcelain trinket box that he'd noticed several times sitting nicely on your dresser, though he had never inspected it. there were purple flowers painted on the porcelain, the box appearing so delicate that he almost felt bad even reaching for it to remove the lid. but that didn't stop him from lifting the top slab revealing a small stack of folded paper within the vessel.

riki would never want to invade your privacy or read anything that you didn't welcomingly give him access to so he nearly placed the lid back on the container until his eyes caught the corner of one of the pieces of paper. there was a cartoon crab printed at the top of the note which was much too recognizable to the boy for him to ignore. you had gifted him that notepad specifically because the crab drawing reminded you of him, and he had only used the notepad to jot some song lyrics down and to leave you an occasional message.

reaching for the paper, he carefully unfolded it only to find that it was one of the little notes he had left for you months earlier. the habit of leaving you notes had developed long before he left this particular one, but he could remember this one feeling beyond insufficient in relaying how much he truly cared for you.

"y/n," the note started, "you looked so cute sleeping i didn't have the heart to wake you before i left," the note continued.

riki could recall the moment he wrote the short but sweet message, leaving it in place of himself as he went to an early video shoot for work.

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