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lee heeseung

Heeseung really wants to believe his girlfriend doesn't have some natural talent in leaving a room right before he is about to enter it. Especially managing it every time he's actually looking for her.

The girl has some sort of sixth sense to just avoid him like the plague, despite insisting she loves him to pieces and really isn't doing it on purpose

But he does have one telltale sign of y/n having been around in a room or a space. Even outdoors he managed to figure out she's been around from it.

Her perfume.

It's not as if it's especially strong or as if she's soaks herself in it.

But for some reason he can smell it in the air wherever she's been, it just lingers there and he can smell it above and before anything else. Even in the hybe building which can have all sorts of smells. If she's been around there, he'll know.

"Hey, was y/n just over here? I can smell her perfume." Heeseung frowns walking up to the rooftop cafe while Jungwon turns to look at him with Jake.

"She's right, you are a weirdo." Jungwon comments with a laugh while Jake chuckles and points down the stairs to the main hallway.

"You just missed her. She was here for like 20 minutes talking our ears off about how the two of you have matching shoes." Jake states earning a smile from Heeseung as they all look down at his shoes. "Should make her a pair of Enhypen shoes".

"She told me that she'd get me to sign them and then sell them online." Heeseung hums absently making the two men chuckle before he sighs. "I better go see if I can find her. Thanks."


Heeseung jogs over to the main hallway where the staff giggle amongst themselves as he seems to let his nose guide him to the scent of y/n's perfume, directly to them.

"She's not here."

"Oh for fu-where'd she go? I only just had here yesterday and managed to keep hold of her. I stop for one conversation with Jimin and she's like a ghost." Heeseung groans since y/n really is iconic for her disappearing acts by this point.

"She said she had a gift for Ni-ki because it's his birthday so she went to go give it to him."

Heeseung grumbles wanting to be mad that he's once again lost his girlfriend but really he knew she'd gone out of her way to be a sweetheart yet again and he knew she'd get herself on a mission to make sure she gave him the gift as soon as she could.

Nevertheless since Heeseung has a while till he needs to do anything for the team or preparing for the comeback, he goes out searching for her. It's really a never ending trail of essentially sniffing her out like a hound.


Heeseung sighs as he gets back from the gym, returning to his apartment where Jay is currently hanging out. He arrived at the apartment while y/n was still there.

"Where's y/n? I know she's just been here." Heeseung frowns as he sits down next to his teammate.


"Her perfume. It's like she sprays it and just runs or something as soon as she knows I'm on my way." Heeseung sighs while sitting down. "Where is she?"

"Pretty sure she just went in the shower. I don't remember her spraying any perfume before she left though." Jay laughs while Heeseung hums, rubbing his hand over his face. "No wonder she calls you a weirdo. Sniffing her out like a dog."

Heeseung would love to argue about it but he really doesn't think he can. He absolutely knows he's a weirdo for it. But he can't help it, it's the first thing he notices if he enters a room now.

His mind immediately seems to set out to try and figure out first if he can smell that perfume. Even worse, he couldn't tell you what perfume she wears. But he could pick it out from a million samples.

He could be blindfolded and pick her out of a line up.

"How long ago did she go in the shower?" Heeseung asks making Jay puff out a breath since he really hasn't been counting the minutes and he didn't time stamp her disappearance.

"Maybe...10 minutes?"


Heeseung sighs as he wakes up the sound of soft padding of feet and the gentle click of the bathroom door stirring him from the depth of sleep before he rolls onto her side of the bed, relishing in the smell of her perfume residence on the sheets and especially on her pillow.

He starts to doze at the scent of her just surrounding him before he hears the door click.

"Hey. That's my side." A tired light voice giggles making him peak one eye open and lift the sheets. "I just needed to pee. What you doing on my side, weirdo?"

Y/n still climbs into the bed and finds herself suddenly positioned to lie underneath him with his face nuzzled deep in her neck as he inhales heavily against her skin.

"Do you like bathe in your perfume?" Heeseung asks, though his voice is muffled by her skin while she laughs.

"No. It's just a good perfume. Beginning to think it makes you feral or something from the way you react to it." Y/n jokes, yawning as she feels the heat of his body lulling her carefully to sleep. "Going to start spraying it on you before you go on tour and on your clothes so you smell like me when you're around other people..."

Heeseung nearly chokes on his breath with that sleepy unfiltered thought.

"Are you sure you're not the feral one?"

"I definitely am feral. But so are you, weirdo." Y/n giggles then yawning. "Can we go back to sleep? You're so warm you're really sending me to sleep."

"Yeah." Heeseung mumbles since having his face completely buried into a direct source of her scent is such a comfort to him, he's entirely happy to sleep in this position.

Hell she might find that this is a new position they'll be sleeping in from here forward. Why he's never done it before suddenly makes no sense at all.

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