War Has Reached Us

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War was a dangerous thing, a painful thing that never left anyone alone and that bruised the hearts and souls whether they were fighting in the war or a loved one of a fighter-no one was safe. The war between Demons and Goddesses had been going on for centuries but with the power of someone powerful they decided to visit the human world. The human world shared many haters of the Demons: Giants, Fairies, Mages and  Humans loathed the Demons with a passion, after all some Demons if not most went out of their way to be as evil as the stories that were told about them. No one knew when the Goddesses flew off to complete such a task, turning the world human realm against them, but the Demons were pissed and being the most powerful race in existence they had no fear... Thousands had died overnight and in that one night everything had changed, the field was filled with screams and yells of either pain or glory, bodies littered the grass and made the vibrant green a dark, ugly red that stuck to everything like some pest. Likes tics on a dog, paint on clothes, gum in hair. 

It had been hours, maybe days before one Demon escaped, his wings were burnt to a crisp yet he flew through the agony the pain and loyalty to his King making it well worth the journey. His blond hair was tussled and caked in sweat as well as blood, he was panting before he slammed into a window, the glass shattered and exploded and he landed on the floor with a groan of pain. Unless treated right this second he wouldn't make it but with no one around death seemed to be creeping around the corner, he was unable to open one eye and his throat had a deep cut in it, a shard of glass sticking out the blood waterfall that flowed from his dark skin. "King! My lord!" He immediately coughed and wheezed and rested his head against the floor, ready to say goodbye to the cruel world when his hair was yanked on. The soldier hissed in pain only to look up and see dark purple eyes staring at him "what happened?" The voice was stern and demanding "Sir Meliodas! Lord you need to get into war! They're stronger and the Ark Angels are down there". 

Meliodas was quick snap "thank you for telling me soldier, you did the Demon realm proud" he patted the blonds head and sighed "Chandler!" The jolly fat man bolted around the corner, he was panting from the short run and held his chest "y-yes master?" "I'm going out, the Goddesses have gotten this close to the Kingdom overnight, inform my father before you come and help me fight them, I'll meet you in the battle field" Chandler gulped and quickly nodded "are you sure you can handle it master? I mean-" the glare he received immediately shut him up and he scurried down the hall, rushing past Cusack and the sleeping Zeldris in his arms he bolted down to the Demon King's room and viscously knocked with a clear panic. Meliodas scoffed and calmly walked to his room, his foot steps echoing off the walls, he opened his bedroom door and looked around. Meliodas got dressed in pure white so he'd at least have a chance in fooling a Goddess if he was on the ground, he grabbed a sword that was large in width and seemed to be over 7metres tall. 

Grabbing the sword that was taller then him in one hand Meliodas checked over his outfit again before he ran down the hall and stepped over the body of the fallen soldier, he leapt out the window and immediately fell down, the wind whipped at his face and pulled at his hair but he didn't falter. Just before he hit the ground Meliodas flew up, purple jagged wings that looked like a messed up bats seemed to keep him afloat, they flapped and carried the Prince higher into the sky "how did they get this far?" He muttered, he dived down and his speed increased, he was now flying at incredible speed and within seconds he twirled and burst through a cloud of fire. His skin stung as he got burnt but he ignored it and his wings wrapped around him, cocooning him before he flew high into the sky and looked down at the chaos below. Goddesses and Demons were on the floor, dead, motionless eyes staring up at Meliodas like it was all his fault... All eyes had a hate he couldn't place, did they hate him or their killer? 

"Its him!" Those words snapped him out of his daze "get him!" A female Goddess flew up, the brunette wore a smirk and held a sword that was no longer than her arm "prepare to die! This is for my sister!" Tears poured from her eyes and she flew at Meliodas with rage being her only drive, her only reason and her will, it swallowed her whole and maybe if she stopped to focus she would've seen his long blade. Metal clashed against metal, Meliodas' sword had cut the poor Goddess in half and his sword had even clashed against her sword, her rage filled expression dropped to fear and defeat and she looked at the blood spilling from her. The bottom half of her body crashed down below, blood spilled from her and her four wings were the only things holding her up but even they faltered due to the blood loss "I didn't touch your sister" Meliodas smiled but it was evil-a twisted grin appeared as he grabbed the girls neck and chuckled darkly. He leaned forward and his lips brushed against her ear "but I wish I was the one who got to hear her heavenly screams as she begged for mercy" the girls eyes widened but before she could say anything she let out a choked noise. 

SNAP! Meliodas watched as her wings came to a stop and with one swoop of his sword he cut off all four of her wings and let her fall down, he watched the wind dance with her clothes and the blood follow her down, he hummed as he proudly watched his war kill fall down. Although she was already dead it was satisfying to see her body smash into the ground below and spray up blood, blinding other Goddesses and giving the Demons an advantage. The Demon Prince chuckled and turned to see other Goddesses watch in horror "whose next? This is a war after all, stop floating around"

 The Demon Prince chuckled and turned to see other Goddesses watch in horror "whose next? This is a war after all, stop floating around"

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