Merlin's Plan

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Meliodas loved meeting the Goddess in war, the Goddess on the other hand didn't really like that they had to meet and greet in the middle of a war with people dying below but the Demon Prince paid no mind. After all the screams made for an excellent background music. "Where is he now?" 'He' being Zeldris. The older blond brother sighed at the mention of the younger sibling and took a moment to hum in thought "safe with Chandler, father pardoned my crime as he said it showed him how well battling was going for me. In turn he wants me going to every battle between your kind in the near future, including the pathetic and boring ones like this" he rolled his eyes and looked down below. He'd seen better, more blood and limbs needed to be lost in his opinion and the crying had stopped about 20minutes ago as the remaining victims of war were fleeing or hiding making the Demons the winners once more. 

"You've seen better?" Elizabeth muttered bitterly under her breath and let out a scoff, she didn't like the way Meliodas spoke of people as pawns but she had all too quickly gotten used to his brutal ways, after Meliodas told her about the incident between him and Zeldris that made him change his mind and decide to join her cause, she was in shock. No father should treat their kids as such weapons of war but when she mentioned such Meliodas shut it down quickly, maybe he was in denial or maybe it was engrained in his bones he needed to be of use to his father... She was the same with her mother, seeking approval over every little thing. 

"I have" Meliodas told her "but enough of that, I told you I'm joining your side and that was a couple days ago yet not a single move has been made" the pair were up in the sky as usual, watching the chaos of the Demons attacking and invading the Goddess realm "I can't do anything without you and I've been trying but my mother-"

"Isn't having it? I told you she wouldn't, I told you she was all for war like my father and she won't hear you out"

Elizabeth groaned and rolled her eyes "I know! I know what you told me but a move hasn't been made-" she was suddenly grabbed by the waist and thrown behind Meliodas who cut a Demon who had leapt up, the Demon obviously saw the two and thought he had his chance of glory. Meliodas watched the body halves fall with a bored expression, he had made a clean cut and the body landed separated, blood leaking from both halves. Elizabeth gasped and hid her face in her hands "why did you-I... He was one of your own!" 

Meliodas scoffed "I defended you didn't I? That's my move made, make your own" he chewed his lip in thought and shook his sword of blood, Elizabeth found herself blushing but dismissed it for being the heat of the sun that they were close to. 


Merlin couldn't believe it, it had taken days but Goddesses were now a norm in the human villages, prancing around and worshipped by the vary humans they had trickled into joining war. What Merlin found weird was everyone had their own personal Goddess 'trainer' to train them to be a good solider, the girls had muscular men and the men were assigned Goddesses with big chests and a slim figure. It was their nature after all, Goddesses were perfect to whom ever looked at them, it was disgusting to know that most if not all humans were massive perverts. "Young lady!" A man called "do you wish to join the great war or have parents to do so?" Merlin simply walked away with a scoff of her own, she walked into her temporary laboratory as she called it. It was a cave in the woods filled with books and torches along with a few blankets on the floor and a pillow, of course it was dimply lit as she needed to keep herself hidden, she couldn't believe when it was announced a few days ago that kids 12 and older were expected to join to... Goddesses were the perfect race and wouldn't do such monstrous things... She had to do something. 

The young wizard hopped onto her stool and sighed as she looked at the vines on the dirt wall, it was a simple spell she cast to keep the cave stable as if it caved in she'd loose all her spells and equipment to cast such things. She pulled a small blue ball from her pocket and smiled at it sadly, the ball was a magical gift from her father whom she had betrayed as the Demons and Goddesses had waged war on her home town in retaliation to her actions. Merlin didn't seem to care about her village though as she craved something else, knowledge. "Lets see..." She opened a purple book and held it in her small hands "you'll learn to like me, then we can fight together!" The child sighed dreamily and bit her lip "I can't wait!" She squealed as she read over the spell, after mumbling to herself she put it down on the table and stood up on the chair she was sat on, she cleared her throat and the magical ball began to float and glow above the book. 

"Pragnę być młoda i piękna aż do końca czasów, spełnić moje życzenie i zmienić moje ciało według własnego uznania". The spell had been in the ancient language of Polish, Merlin's ball began to circle around the book and glow before it flew over her head and exploded in the bright shades of purple, black, white and nude. The whole cave exploded with these colours causing animals from outside to be blinded and flee in panic, it made birds fly, deer's sprinted and even bears growled yet cowered and ran the furthest they could get from the cave in the woods. Once the light began to flicker and fade a black haired woman was stood in the cave, she was wearing a cloak that hooked around her breasts and that holding it in place, her 'trousers' were more like a purple pair of short shorts or some underwear, they were purple to match her cloak and yet her high boots were purple. She had purple lipstick that matched her clothes and yet her eyes were a light shade of brown almost orange, they had an evil sparkle. "Infinity" she whispered with a smirk and giggled, her giggled turned into a sinister laugh and she looked at the magical ball with a hum "Morning Star Aldan... Cast my power of infinity, make my spell last forever" the ball burst into colour again before it floated at her side. 

Now a young woman Merlin looked around her cave and shook her head "when you meet me again Meliodas you'll be more than inclined to help, with this new body of mine..." She threw her head back in a sinister laughter, she laughed so hard she held her stomach. Tomorrow the real war was going to begin and she was going to have a front row seat. 


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