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The sky was dark and gloomy, humans were stood in rows in the rain covered in armour and soft pitter patters were heard as the rain clashed with their armour. Merlin was watching from her cave, staring out at the crowd of humans who had been so easily wooed by their desired fantasy the Goddesses conjured up. They were all watching, waiting before a gleeful giggle filled the air and down swooped a blur of white, Gabi twirled her pony tail in her hands and was sat down on a wooden post high enough for all humans to see "Demons will be attacking soon my lovelies" she smiled. "All of you be strong okay? I know you can do it! Together we'll win" she vowed and the humans cheered, Merlin scoffed and shook her head "humans don't stand a chance" he frowned and sighed. Clicking her fingers the wizard disappeared, not a trace left behind as she teleported to her next destination. 


Azrail was huffing, stood by a log beside a male with massive wings-a fairy. "Fairy King Gloxinia" Azrail greeted and bowed gracefully "I have come to ask of your service" his voice was bold and strong, matching his body but his eyes shone with a great vengeance. "I don't get involved in such things" a soft voice replied, a male with long red hair down to his behind practically floated in front of Azrail. He wore soft white pants yet no shirt, he had no muscles or abs but his strength was shown in his back and in the large colourful wings attached. Azrail's breathing hitched and he threw himself to stand straight, the soft patter of rain hit against the leaves above and shielded the pair from the wet rain but also any listening ears. "Please! I beg you! The Demons such as-" 

"I don't care" Gloxinia's voice was cold yet still soft, he waved a hand and a vine snaked its way around Azrail's muscular body choking him slowly. "All fairies live here in the Fairy King's Forest, we do not get involved in human matters nor any other races and I won't waste my time with you, I don't wish to lose anyone and waging war would do exactly that. Do me a favour and dispose of yourself" with a wave of his hand Gloxinia had thrown poor Azrail to the floor, his wings bent and he groaned in pain as he pulled himself to his feet. He gritted his teeth and his wings flapped angrily, steadily pulling himself into the air "if you won't side with us you're against us! I'll be sure to let the Supreme Deity know!" He spat his words with spite before flying off into the air. 

"I'm sorry he's so rude" Gloxinia jumped and vines spread from him, wrapping around a Goddess hidden behind a tree yet she just smiled "I came here to ask you nicely to join our cause" 

"I already said no" 


Veins popped out of his forehead and Gloxinia hissed, the vines around Elizabeth tightened and she gasped in surprise "because Meliodas The Destroyer will burn my forest down! He will kill us all you daft bitch!" The redhead gulped as a blade pressed against his neck, Meliodas chuckled and smirked "afraid of little old me?" He teased and with a swift swing the vines around Elizabeth set alight with purple flame before turning to ash "I-I-" his head was spinning, his wings flapped before Gloxinia flew up straight to escape but Meliodas grabbed his leg and his hold was strong. "We're working together, we don't want anymore violence and we want the Holy War to end" Elizabeth explained, smiling although her white dressed now had mud stains and her wings were nowhere near their Godly white. 

"An alliance? You're a Goddess! He's... He's a monster!" 

"Watch it before I rip your wings off" Meliodas hissed and tightened his grip on Gloxinia's ankle making him flap and squirm like a fly caught in a spiders web, he flapped desperately but couldn't seem to move at all in Meliodas' hold. "You can join us or be slaughtered by the Demons.... The Goddesses already have the humans on their side.... If the alliance grows more and more are going to die! We made a third option, we're going to stop the war completely" Elizabeth beamed proudly, hands tucked behind her back politely. 

"You want to stop the Holy War and prevent blood shed?" Gloxinia's voice cracked as he floated, disbelief written all over his face. The Demon Prince and Goddess Princess nodded, Elizabeth nodded enthusiastically and happily while Meliodas looked like a bored babysitter. "Okay... I'm in". 

Little did the three know a certain male was behind a tree a few miles away, huffing with rage, teeth gritted and body shaking as rage and adrenaline took over. A white blur shot across the sky but none of the three allies noticed but their was about to be hell.


The trio were sat in the woods around a campfire, Gloxinia's wings shone and sparkled as the fires light bounced off of them, Elizabeth was pouring some drinks to celebrate their alliance and Meliodas was sat there boredly sipping his drink. Compared to Purgatories wine the drink barely tasted like anything "this tastes like shit, why couldn't we just have some from the Fairy King's Forest?"

"Be grateful! Gloxinia has already provided us with food" Elizabeth scolded, the cup in her hand was shaking and Gloxinia's was already empty, he seemed to enjoy it and was already hiccupping from his intake making Meliodas scoff. "Drink up" was Meliodas' cheeky response, the Goddess just bit her lip and chuckled awkwardly, looking her over the blond realised she was... Tense. "You've never drunk before have you?" The Goddess shook her head and smiled shyly, Meliodas scooted closer to her and lifted the cup to her lips, his warm hand on top of hers made her cheeks flush but he either didn't notice or paid no mind. "Trust me, it's good" Meliodas assured and although his expression wasn't a smile of any kind he was less tense and his features had softened, he looked... Kind. 

Elizabeth sipped her drink and hummed, the taste was strong but it wasn't revolting or sour, it was sweet like apples and grapes, she found herself downing the cup and Meliodas chuckled at her "enjoy it?" He teased and set the glass down, Elizabeth's cheeks still flushed in embarrassment and something more... As Meliodas removed his hand she was glad he didn't scoot anyway. Maybe he wasn't so evil, maybe he was kind and maybe, just maybe... He was a little hot to. 

Elizabeth blushed brightly at the thought "another drink please!" And the Demon Prince eagerly poured her one. 


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