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George felt tears prick the side of his eyes at Clay's words.

"It's me..! George!"

"I don't remember a "George", in fact..I don't remember anything."

George was in a lot of confusion, and a heartache. "Memory erasing potion," he mumbled, "Clay, your name is Clay. Some bad guy splashed you with a memory erasing potion. You don't remember me, but my name's George. I'm your boyfriend. Your the king of Manburg."

Clay nodded his head as George explained everything. He couldn't remember anything, but somewhere he remembered George.

He remembered his laugh, his smile, his voice, just him.

Clay stood up after George finished explaining. He helped George up and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you, Georgie, maybe I can get my memories back."

George nodded his head, but a sob escaped his mouth.

He really did loose his memory

I need to help him get it back..

Maybe Axiel and the field'll help?

But that means we have to go back to L'manburg...

Wait! Wasn't their a path that led from the field to Manburg?

Maybe I can find it, and we won't need Axiel.

It's worth a shot.

George pulled away and grabbed Clay's hand. "Follow me," he muttered and led Clay out to the stables.

He mounted onto Peaches and signaled for Clay to hop on behind him.

Clay mounted Peaches as well and pet her soft neck.

"Peaches..?" He whispered. George's eyes widened.

He remembers Peaches!

He slapped the reins, sending Peaches into a gallop. He looked around for a trail, and soon found it.

He ventured down the trail and soon saw the end that ended in a big opening.

"The field," George muttered. Clay looked ahead as well.

"Looks beautiful," he muttered. George nodded as he slowed Peaches to a stop. He and Clay hopped off he saddle and George tied her reins to his usual post.

Clay looked around while George took care of Peaches. Then something in his mind snapped.

"I-I remember this place...y-you took me here when we first met."

"Yea..I did actually, good job."

Clay smiled proudly and hugged George.

Little did he know, the memories that where more important will be harder.


The two sat in the garden, Clay was reading a book. George was watching him. The book was a book George lended to him.

Clay flipped through the pages, enjoying the story. He felt like he remembered the story from somewhere, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Clay looked up from his book and turned to George, meeting his gaze. His chocolate eyes looked so lively, and inviting.

"George," he muttered.


"I don't remember you a whole lot but..I know that I still love you"

"You'll get your memories back, I promise," George smiled. George's smile felt so..soft and comforting. Clay loved it.

Clay looked down at George's hands and noticed a familiar ring on it.

"What's that?" He asked. George looked down where Clay was pointing and noticed Clay's silver band was still on. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Must've gave it to me when we where drunk last night or something." Then he remembered what Bad told him. He was deciding on telling Clay, it might too much right now.

He decided against it and just looked away. He felt a finger on his chin, forcing his face to the right. His eyes met Clay's for a second before Clay connected their lips softly.

As if something clicked in Clay's head, he remembered their first kiss. It was like that kiss all over again to Clay.

The bed, the smile on George's face, and the feelings all came back to him.

Sure it was one of the only things he remembered, but it was more than just that. It was a memory with George.

He pulled away for breath, and connected their lips again. George snaked his arms around Dream's neck, intentionally pulling them closer.

Clay finally pulled away and stood up. He grabbed George's arm and yoinked him up.

"I'm kind of hungry," he grumbled. George giggled and led him back to the palace. He dragged him into the cafeteria.

"Here's where we eat," he smiled. Clay nodded and sat down in a chair at a higher table, and started eating from the plate. George laughed and sat in a chair next to him.

Once Clay was done, he stood up and stood behind George while he ate. A distant memory came back to him.


"Who has more power, me or Wilbur?"


"Who has more power, my dad or Wilbur?"

"Your dad, but he won't do anything"

The king doesn't care. George doesn't care. No one cares.

This memory was confusing, but he just ignored it and stood next to his partner while he ate.

Once George was finished, he escorted Clay to their room. Clay sat on the bed and George walked over to the calendar on the wall next to the clock.

December 23

George sighed at the realization and walked over to the balcony. It was slightly snowing. George watched all of the kingdom in their warm coats.

Clay noticed George's expression and stood up. He walked over to the brunette and stood next to him.

"Beautiful," he muttered. George flinched, not noticing that Clay was standing next to him. George nodded and wrapped his arm around Clay's.

He leaned against Clay, resting his head against his humerus. Clay shivered at the affection, but loved it.

"What happened?" He mumbled. George looked up, not moving his arm from his humerus.

"Fundy," he grumbled, "he tried to kill me."

Clay shook at the name. He recognized it, but he didn't know why.

George on the other hand, was also curious. Curious of who shot that arrow.

He also remembered that Clay's ceremony is tomorrow. His crowning ceremony.

He had to get Clay's memory back, and quickly.

The first thing that came to his mind was:

A potion might help!

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