"Aim....and FIRE! "roared the screams of a bearded solider who's screams were supported by the blow of the ear bleeding war horn. the wooden arrows were raised chin high and as told by the bearded man they were fired all ,in one going. Soaring high into the blackening atmosphere before finally coming back to the soil of man appearing like black rain of death leaving only dead bodies of the enemy and a handful of our own men.
"Thee catapults be deemed fit and await your word!" Den called out to me, still remaining in position very much distressed, "Launch them now, that be an order! " and as told Den launched the catapults, throwing boulders bigger than a bed towards the faces of the unhuman creatures
Be weary , be fearful of the hunched creatures. They mean all the harm and none of the good, be weary be scared for they bear no nose, but bear fanged teeth, no eyes but bear hearing more superior than a bat, mindless blood thirst monsters be them. They'll feed on yee guts and drink from yee skull. Let yee watch em fry yee tongue if they haven't pulled out your eyes. They'll eat your younglings and yee prune wrinkled folks leaving no home unmarked nor untainted. If yee know what be good for you, you'd shut you doors and sleep with an axe for only a fool would not fear them... be weary be fearful of the Bates"
"Well spoken dear friend Odrick, my spine be rattling like old bones!" "It's blunt and awful!" I laughed a bit before farther comforting his self diagnosed failures. "Tis the truth old friend and I'd never speak an untruth to a friend!" "You've always spoken untruths forcing my poor elf ears to bear 'em all" "well If you unpleased only by thee untruths , just imagine how you'd upset by the truths and true" " more upset but more pleased for the truth bears freedom from a guilty conscience"
Before the words rolled off my tongue, the cook flanged the door open without notice or a warning. "What are you two doing in here ? for both your presences are heeded in the kitchen and the barn!"
AdventureA maid with a terrible history revolving around poverty and family. Working tirelessly day in and day out for not even a black coin. She has a dream, always had one even when life damned it from the very beginning .She has always wanted to become a...