Part 4 - wedding plans

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Tony's POV

'I was walking down the aisle. All eyes on me. Clint was standing in a black and red suit staring at me with a huge smile plastered on his face. I gulped as I walked closer. All of the people in the crowd on either side of me keeping their eyes locked on my every move.

When I got up to the alter I felt dizzy. Clint walked closer to me so there was almost no space in between us. I looked away from him because I felt really awkward in that moment.

"Where do you think you're going?" I was confused and opened my eyes. My body was acting on its own and I was running away. When I stopped I was in a dark room. All these voices filled my head.

'Where are you going?'
'You'll never be good enough.'
'You've upset everyone.'
'You're such a disappointment'
'Ungrateful brat'
'Who do you think you are?'
'Everyone hates you.'
'Just due already'

I was out of breath and panting. I can't handle it anymore. What's going on? Someone help. No words left my mouth. I fell to the floor. Knees to my chest and rocking myself back and forth.

Soon I finally had enough courage to say something. "STOP," I screamed.'

I woke up panting and out of breath. A cold sweat was dripping down my body and warm tears covered my face. I slowly got out of bed shakily and went to wash my face in the sink. I decided to also hop in the shower and got dressed.

I made my way down to the breakfast table. My parents weren't there but food was left on the table for me.

"I can heat that up for you prince Tony," I heard a voice call out from behind me.

I turned around to see Steve walking towards me. He was wearing an apron and it looked like he had been cleaning judging from the dirt on his clothes.

"Yes please. Thank you," I said as I handed him the plate of food. I watched as he went off into the kitchen and then turned in my seat to face the direction of the table once again.

When he came back and walked over toward me with my food. The plate was steamy as he set it in front of me.

"Thank you," I said again flashing him a small smile.

"You're welcome my prince," Steve said before going back to whatever it was he was doing before.

The food was really good. As always. Once I finished I just left my plate there and went to go meet up with my parents like they had requested to me the day before. I was nervous, to say the least. But what could go wrong?

I walked into the door of my fathers office. He was sitting at his desk reading over some files and my mother was beside him glancing at them from over his shoulders.

"You asked for me?" I said.

"Ah yes," the king responded, still looking at the papers. "We just wanted to tell you that the tailor is going to be meeting up with you to get the measurements for your suit in about an hour."

That made the dream I had earlier flash through my brain. I quickly closed my eyes trying to get that out of my head.

"Ok," I replied quietly.

I walked out of the door and headed toward where I was going to meet the tailor. I wasn't that thrilled to be honest. But I did like to get new clothes to add to my wardrobe so that was a plus.

— — —

After about 45 minutes she showed up. Her name was Stephanie and she was a short, blonde haired woman. She looked really nice and smiled to me when she came in.

Stephanie started taking my measurements after a while. It was awkward standing there in silent so I decided to make some nice small talk with her.

I found out a lot about Stephanie. She had two kids, a boy and a girl, and had been happily married for about 9 years. She also was a really well known person for her profession.

I told her a lot about me also. Somethings about my childhood, I told her about the marriage, and I told her about Steve. Stephanie said that I must really love him, but I didn't quite know what love was. So I just took her word for it.

When she was done I thanked her and showed her out of the castle. I was all smiley when she left because she had been one of the nicest people to me I've met.

— — —

It was now around dinner time, and Clint Barton and his family had just arrived to have dinner with me and my family. Me and Clint sat across from each other and our parents sat on either side of us.

While the kings and queens made conversation, me and Clint just snuck glances at each other and laughed at the funny faces each of us were making. He was so funny I couldn't help it. Our parents looked at both of us with confuse expressions but we just shrugged at them.

The rest of the night was fun. Something I needed a little bit of. Me and Clint acted like the best friends we were when we were teenagers. Not like the people who are getting married in a week. It was nice. And I enjoyed it a lot.

— — —

The other family left and I made my way upstairs to get ready for bed. I was exhausted. I got my silky pajamas on, washed my face with warm water, brushed my teeth, and slipped into my comfortable bed. The darkness was a little frightening so I thought of things that made me happy.

For some reason, when I thought about things that made me happy, Steve popped in my head. Yes, I suppose I did admit to loving him. But I didn't expect to instantly fall into a calming sleep at the thought of him.

Maybe he's special.

— — —

I feel like this part is my favorite so far.

Hope you enjoyed! Bye bye.

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