Chapter 1

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Edited July 3rd, 2015/December 4,2014

(A/N. I do NOT own any characters, except for one. He will be introduced later. They otherwise belong to Veronica Roth. I also don't own the serums either, except how to create it.)

Flashback as 10 year olds

I am walking and suddenly get hit to the floor. I act quickly, like my teacher says to and get back to my feet. As I stand, I see a person run down the sidewalk into the night. I shrug it off and feel something in my hand. A... key? before I can put any thought into it, someone tries to attack me.

An hour later, (still in flashback)


"Tris! Are you alright?"

"Yeah... Those lessons really paid off."

I was walking down the street after going to Tobias's house and someone came and attacked me. I started screaming and flipped him over.

Tobias came outside and we beat him up. We had been taking self defense classes since 5 years old.

Flashback over

My parents called the FBI and took him away. I didn't know why they called the FBI or what was going on. Neither did Tobias. My parents explained to us that they were in the FBI and that was someone who came after them. A guy named Max came over and we decided to join.

After a few years, my parents got into an accident. They lived, but aren't in the field anymore. When someone needs a 'cover up family' my parents are the cover family.

So now, we are 17 years old. We live at Dauntless. Their headquarters. We met Zeke and Uriah, and we all started to hang out.


Tobias is called Four and I'm called Six because he can break a punching bag with four kicks. I can do it with six kicks.

"Agents Four, Six, Zeke and Uriah. You guys are going on a new mission." Max said. "Agent Four and Agent Zeke will be going to Divergent High School here, in Chicago. We suspect some students are working for Jeanine Matthew. We need to keep them from getting information from the school, about serums. She may have found a way to use them against people. Although first, you'll go to Colorado. Your assistance is needed there. Just until school starts."

Wait..... Are Uriah and I not going with...?

"Agent Six and Agent Uriah, you guys are going New York. There has been a murder case and we believe you guys can figure it out. When that's done, you will join Agents Four and Zeke at DHS (Divergent High School) at the beginning of the next school year. Very well. You guys may go pack. Tickets are already in your rooms."

After the talk, we left the room.

"Wow. I won't see you for a whole year." Tobias said while pulling me in a hug. "You have no idea how much I'm going to miss you."

"I know. I'm going to miss you too." We are just holding onto each other like there's no tomorrow.

Zeke and Uriah clears their throats. "What about us!?" They whine playfully together.

"Don't worry we will miss you guys too." Tobias and I say together. We all agreed to hang out at my place before we left and after packing.

We are back in my apartment, watching The Office. Man, this show is so funny.

"Toby. Can you make me some popcorn please!" I whisper because only me, my parents, Max, Tori and Amar (the ones who trained us) know his real name. We use a number as our Agent name so if anything happens, people shouldn't be able to tell who we really are.

"Anything for my Bea." He whispers back. Only my parents, Toby, Max, and Tori know my actually name too.

We have been best friends since we first met. Marcus, his dad went to jail when we were 11 because he was caught leading groups to help Jeanine get the money to do some research. He robbed a bank but the FBI had been following him and sent him off to jail. My parents took Tobias in and we were beat friends ever since.

While we were watching the series, I slowly started falling asleep. I felt Toby lift me up and take me to my room. Right before he left, I grabbed his hand.

"Stay with me?"

"Always." He then came next to me and I let sleep take over.

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