Chapter 10

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Edited: November 26, 2015 (Happy Thanksgiving!)

Fours' pov

After Tris leaves, we continue to walk to class. We have a seating chart, and I sit next to Tris, with Uriah and Zeke behind us. Cristina is in front of us. The bell rings and Tris still hasn't come. It doesn't feel right. The teacher gives us a list of book titles, and we have to pick one and read it up to chapter 10 by next week.

We start talking after. Before I get to say something to Christina, Zeke and Uriah, who also are worried, my phone starts to vibrate. I look to see who it is, and it's Tris! Why is she calling me? I answer it and just hear the end of A sentence, and it sounded like Peter's voice. I hear someone being hit or now kicked, the hear Peter groan when I think he falls. Zeke and Uriah were listening to.

We get up and run to the music room, where Tris said she was going. We get there, Molly is passed out, Eric is trying to recover from a hit, and Tris is throwing a punch to Peter's nose. As we go to help, Peter kicks Tris knee, and Eric sweeps her leg that she is standing on. She usually has better reflexes. Before any more damage can be done, We head over to her. Zeke and Uriah go to grab Eric and Molly, (who is gaining conscious) while I grab Peter. We start hitting them as they begin to hit until they are unconscious, and I head to Tris. She doesn't look to bad, but her eyes start to close. This isn't right.

"Guys, She looks fine, nothing but a few bruises, but she blacked out. She may have hit her head, but I noticed her reflexes were a littler slower than usual." We take her to the nurse/infirmary. I explain what we saw, and the nurses get to work. We wait outside and talk.

"So... Do we just leave them in the classroom?" Uriah asked to no one specifically.

"Yeah, they can wake up and help themselves. If they can gang up on someone together, they can get help together." I say. They laugh at that. The nurse comes out.

"We drew some blood, and there was something in her system. It should wear off at any moment. We ran some tests, and we don't know exactly what it was. All we know is that it was a drug. Someone may have put it in a drink when she wasn't looking. It slows down someone's responses to their surrounding. Since she was in a fight, she wasn't able to react as fast as she could have. She did hit her head, there is a bump, but it itself wasn't enough to knock her out. The 'drug' that was in her system made her black out. Looks like you guys made it in time. She would've blacked out and who knows what could've happened. When she wakes up, she can leave. You may go inside." She explained and lead us inside to Tris.

We rush to her side. I grab one of her hands in mine. After about 20 minutes, she groans, and opens her eyes.

"What happened? Where am I?" She questions.

"Thank goodness your okay. See, what had happened was Peter, Eric, and Molly attacked you. Your reflexes weren't as fast as you wanted them to be, so that's why you didn't take all three of them down. We knew you could so we knew something was off. It was a 'drug' put in your system. The nurse thought maybe someone put it in your drink, because that's the only way it can go through your system." I explain in one breath.

"Well, I knew something was off while I was fighting. It didn't feel right. I hit my head, but it was a while before I blacked out. So I'm guessing whatever was in me, made me black out. Right?" We nodded. You can tell she's trying to think when it could've been slipped in her drink or somewhere else without knowledge.

"Remember in music, when I had my water bottle? I told Four after a while it tasted funny. I was halfway through it when the taste changed." I
She informs us.

"Oh yeah, Al said you dropped it, and he picked it up. I honestly think he put something in your drink because it didn't drop." Uriah said while sitting down in a chair.

"I remember talking to you guys, but it never heard it drop. Then he handed it to you, and you drank the rest. I guess it took affect quickly." Zeke said. This is why we're are in the FBI. We can make all kinds of connections fast.

"That's why they were there. They knew you wouldn't respond fast, so they attacked you." I tell her while helping her stand up. "Yeah well, we left them in the classroom. Maybe someone will find them. But we should head to class now, we kind of just left." Just then, the bell went off.

"Wait.... Shouldn't we call Max and have him pick them up?" Uriah exclaims. We run back to the classroom and they're gone. We sigh and shrug, then went to go find Will, because he has off with us.

After we do, we head to our house. It has a security alarm system around it, because you know, we are FBI's. We gotta be safe. Our friends just think we are rich, so no one questions it. We type in some codes to open the door after we put the key in. We start playing Call Of Duty. In the middle of the game, our alarm goes off. We run to our control room, and the camera screens are staticky. I try to do something, but I can't. Nothing is working. Zeke was calling Max, and he is sending a few people as back up. I'm trying to get the cameras working again.

Tris and Uriah go out and comes back with weapons. Throughout this whole thing, we forgot Will was here.

"What's the problem?" He asks addressing the computer mess. I quickly explain, and he starts to type in a bunch of codes and other stuff. After a few minutes, he has the screens and cameras working again. We see five figures. Two going to the front, two heading to the back, and one trying to claim to a window. (Our house has 3 floors.) We grab our weapons, and I teach him how to aim and shoot a gun and to throw a knife. It should be good, for now.

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