First day of daycare

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The new father-daughter duo stood out the cute little daycare."I'll pick you up later ok have fun" Mikey said giving her a small kiss on the head a left. Right when (y/n) walked in the door she was greeted by playing children and kind adults. One caretaker came up to (y/n) gave a small smile and introduced himself." hello sweetheart I'm kurapika what's your name" kurapika smiled "(y/n) (l/n) pretty boy" (y/n) said with confidence kurapika chuckles as he patted her head. She ran inside just to run into two boys and a girl "Hey watch were you going" the little blonde boy yelled at (y/n) "oh sorry" (y/n) pouted.

Upon looking at the girl the blonde in front of her blushed. " my name is Denji what's yours" denji introduced once he did he looked around the room his eyes do a flower in a vase. He sprinted towards the vase picking the flower and racing back towards the girl. " oh well thank you my name is (y/n) and my mama told me if someone gives you a flower that they're your lover" (y/n) said innocently. At that moment the pink haired girl gasped " DENJI that means you have a girlfriend" the girl yelled. "really I mean if power says it's true your my girlfriend now" denji agrees. "that means you have to give her a kiss and share napping mats" the second boy said. (Y/n) felt her face heat up she shuffled closer to denji and gave him a kiss on the check making his face flush red. "Hey since you denji's girlfriend that means your our friend I'm power and this is Aki" power introduced she then grabbed
(y/n)'s hand and pulls her to a box of toys. After  playing for hours kurapika announced that it was nap time.While laying down her mat denji ran over to her grabbed her hand and dragged her to his. "No need we can share" denji blushed (y/n) giggles nodding as she laid down beside denji. Only two feet away from the two kids was a gushing kurapika scream in his head about how cute these kids are.

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