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I heard someone come in and slam my front door. I jumped at the action and immediately got up from my bed. Someone was robbing me. Maybe they'll think no ones home. I thought.

I assumed the presumed robber would look aroun downstairs and leave, but sadly they came up the stairs. I stood in front of my bed, unable to move. My door was closed.

My door flew open to reveal not a robber, but a beat up and scared JJ. I stared at him for a minute before he immediately fell into my arms, breaking into tears.

Even though I was mad at him, I comforted him. "JJ what happened?" I asked.

He continued to sob and said, "I went home for the night to give you space and my dad was there. He asked what I was doing, and I told him I had gotten into a fight with you and was coming home to cool down. He asked about you, and I was so excited to tell him that I was going to be a dad. But instead of being happy for me, his high ass beat me to the ground." He said through cries.

I sat down on the bed and motioned for him to sit with me. I put my arms around him and he buried his head into my chest as he continued to cry.

"I'm here JJ just breathe." I said as I pet his hair.

"Lex i almost killed him! I pointed a gun straight at that bastards head! How am I going to be a dad if I almost killed my own? I'm such a fuck up." He screamed, staining my shirt with his flowing tears.

"JJ." I said, grabbing his face and holding it in my hands. " you are not a fuck up. You are the most amazing person I've ever met, and I wouldn't choose anyone else to be my kids dad, no matter the circumstances. I love you." I said, tears forming in my eyes as I saw his hurt.

"I don't deserve you, Alexis Marie. You are literally what's keeping me alive right now. I love you." He whispered.

I wiped his tears with my thumb and leaned in to give him a hug.

"Im sorry about earlier baby." JJ said.

"JJ, im sorry. You were just trying to be responsible and I screamed at you. I want to buy a house together. Im ready to grow up with you. I just don't know where we'll get the money for a house. " I whispered.

JJ pulled away from the hug and smiled. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to start my own business." He said as he scratched his head.

I laughed at his nervousness. "and what kind of business is that?" I asked.

He gave me a sheepish grin and said, "Landscaping. Is that stupid?"

I was melting over his hopeful eyes. I was so proud of him. "No, J. I think that's perfect for you. We can use some of my savings to get you started and the rest can go to getting a house and to the baby. What do you say?" I asked.

JJ smiled his precious smile and said, "sounds like a plan."

I grabbed his face and kissed him which he quickly and passionately returned. Things got heated quickly and soon enough I was straddling him with only my under wear on while he only had his shorts on. We were making out when he pulled away and asked, "are you sure we can do this? Since you're, you know, pregnant?"

I laughed and then snapped back to reality. We hadn't had sex since I found out I was pregnant. But I knew this was ok. "Yes JJ it's fine. It's good for me anyways." He smiled and nodded and then we got right back into it.

I woke up at noon to my phone loudly ringing. "Hello?" I said as I answered the phone, not checking caller ID.

"Alexis I need you to come over right now." Sarah said, worry deep in her voice. "It's kie."

"Oh-oh ok. Uh I'll be right there." I said as I hung up the phone. I jumped out of bed and put shorts and a t shirt on before JJ started to stir. "Where are you going baby?" He asked in his raspy morning voice. "I don't know but somethings going on with Kie and I have to go. I love you." I said before jumping into my car and going to tannyhill.

I let myself in and yelled, "Sarah? Kie? I'm here."

Sarah ran down the stairs. "Good, you're here. Come up right now."

I followed sarah up to her room to see Kie sprawled out on the bed, mascara running down her face.

"Oh shit. What happened?" I asked.

Kie and Sarah looked at each other and started to laugh. "What the fuck?" I asked confused.

"We needed you to get here ASAP so we can start planning your baby shower!" Sarah said.

Kie, still laughing said, "omg A, you should've seen your face!"

I rolled my eyes and said, "haha funny. I hate y'all. But what do y'all have planned?"

"Well you're ten weeks along and you can know the gender at 13 weeks right? So in three weeks?" Sarah asked.

"Yes. My next appointment is three weeks from today." I said.

"Well then instead of you and JJ finding out the gender alone and then telling us, what if me and Sarah figure out the gender and throw you a gender reveal slash baby shower!" Kie exclaimed.

I gave it a quick thought and said, "I'm ok with that! As long as y'all can keep the gender a secret."

Kie and Sarah laughed. "We will. Now, what should the baby shower theme be?"

We talked and decided to do a green and gold theme since we were having it on August 14th and it would still be summer. It was almost 4 o'clock already so we decided to have a much needed girls night.

I decided to run home so I could grab some clothes and toiletries. I got there to see JJ sulking on the couch. As soon as he saw me, his face lit up.

"What was wrong with Kie?" He asked.

I laughed. "Nothing actually. It was a way to get me over there so we could plan my baby shower. And the gender reveal. It's gonna be all smashed into one event on august 14th. Sound good?" I asked.

"I don't even care as long as you're happy."JJ said as he got back on his phone.

"Well what do you want the baby to be? A boy or a girl?" I asked.

JJ shrugged and said, "I'm happy as long as the baby is healthy. I kinda want a boy though."

"I don't care as long as it's healthy. What are you so focused on on your phone?" I asked grabbing his phone from him.

I was surprised to see that he was looking at baby clothes on his phone, specifically girls. "I thought you wanted a boy Maybank." I said laughing.

"Uh-Uh I changed my mind." JJ said.

"Don't be embarrassed, I think it's cute." I said as I kissed his lips. He tried to turn it into a make out but I pulled away and said, "Not so fast, I'm having girls night at Sarah's. But I'll be home tomorrow and we can be together."

JJ pouted and said, "Fine have fun I guess. I might head to the chateau."

We packed out bags and went our separate ways. I made it back to tannyhill where me Kie and Sarah watched disney movies and ate a glut of candy, snacks and soda. We had the movie at full blast as we talked about whatever we wanted being the only ones there. Ward, Rose and wheezie went on some business trip to the main land and Rafe was somewhere high off of his ass on cocaine.

"We all look pregnant at this point." Kie said making me and Sarah laugh.

We all took showers and got ready for bed now that it was 12:00 am. I had been asleep for about an hour when I woke up extremely thirsty. I walked down to Sarah's kitchen when I stopped midway down the stairs to some weird sounds in the kitchen. It sounded like someone loudly blowing their nose.

I decided to just ignore it, which ended up being one of the worst decisions of my life.

Word count:1480

Sorry for the cliffhanger but it will all be worth it!! The next chapter will be very violent just a heads up. Please keep voting and commenting... do y'all want it to be a boy or girl?

the night that changed us | A JJ Maybank storyWhere stories live. Discover now