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My dad informed me where my mom was living. "Why honey?" He asked.

"Dad I need t0 go see her. I love you and I'll be back soon." I said hugging him as I walked out of the door.

I opened the door to me and JJ's house to see him on the floor, putting together a bassinet. He didn't notice me come in because he was so focused.

"JJ" I said softly, startling him.

"Dammit Alexis, I wanted this to be a suprise!" He said, fake pouting.

"It's ok, I still love you." I said as I sat down beside him on the ground.

He looked at my solemn face. "What's wrong baby?" He asked as he pulled me into a hug.

I sighed. "My mom and dad got a divorce because my mom cheated on him and got pregnant. So now my mom is living on the mainland with some mystery guy and my dad has the house. JJ he's so sad. But he was really sweet and he's gonna be apart of the baby's life."

JJ pulled me in closer. "I'm so happy he's with us in all of this. I just can't believe your mom though."

I sighed. "Me neither. But I need to go see her. She is having my half sibling after all."

"Baby, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." JJ said.

"But I do J, I have her address. We can make it if we leave in the next half hour. Let's go." I replied.

JJ smiled. "If you want that, I'm all for it. I love you." He said before connecting our lips.

"I love you too." I said as I pulled away.

We loaded into the car and headed to where my mom was living. We pulled up to a very ugly and small house. Downgrade from our family's mansion on figure 8.

I rang the doorbell. The door opened to reveal an unhygienic bloated man.

"What does ya want?" He said. His voice was creepily raspy and freaked me out.

JJ grabbed my hand. "Um hi. I'm Alexis. I'm looking for my mom, Brittany Martin? I was told she's living here." I said.

The man gave me a weird look. "She's a livin here, let me gets her."

He closed the door. I looked at JJ. "Your mom left Nick for THAT? Lex, he can't even talk right!" He said, laughing.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I know. This whole situation is shady as hell." I said.

The door then opened, revealing my mom. Except, it didn't really look like her. She looked dirty, very different from the sleek business woman who beat me up a few months ago. Aside from her new look, she also had a huge bulge coming from her stomach.

"Mom?" I asked.

"What, Alexis?" She said coldly.

"Mom, are you having a baby? This is so exciting, me too!" I exclaimed.

She gave me and JJ a side eye. "Yeah I guess. I'm due in two days. It's a boy." She started. Her gaze fell to my growing stomach. "You actually got knocked up? That wasn't some sick joke?"

JJ gave me a weird look. "Yeah... it's your granddaughter. She's due in January." I said.

"Oh well, that's embarrassing. Anyways, this is mike. He's going to be your new stepdad when we get married in March." She said, pointing to the nasty man who opened the door.

Me and JJ awkwardly introduced ourselves to Mike. He smelt like shit. His hands were clammy. And he was definitely doing coke.

"Well mom we better get going, um, text me when he's born ok?" I said as me and JJ walked away.

the night that changed us | A JJ Maybank storyWhere stories live. Discover now