Chapter 39 ~ Prospective Talents?

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Pheeeww~~ I'm so full~

We've been going around the capital city, trying out street foods, and window shopping for quite a while now~

As expected, even though gourmet food is delicious, street foods still strike a different spot~ It's like eating fast food, but still more healthy than fast-food since they don't use any chemicals and preservatives! All organic~!

"So? Where do you want to go now? I know I've said it time and time again but you should probably stop buying food. Anne and I are full now, so you can't just give us your leftovers anymore."

"I know I know~ If I eat any more than this, I might gain weight and Roland-sama might get mad at me~! "

"It's good that you understand. Now then, do you still want to look for a few more things for your shampoo or should we go home?"

"Hmmmm~ Let's go around a little bit more then go home~"


I took a deep breath and released it slowly.

Looking around this bustling scenery of the marketplace, I know that it will be a while before I could see it again. This atmosphere... Even if the buildings and people are different, this atmosphere reminded me of the marketplace I used to visit frequently back in Japan, sometimes along with Hana and Kazuto, sometimes going there for mom's errand.

I still remember the old lady selling meat buns with an ever steaming large container of it beside her who always gives me something extra, or the balding yet ripped old man selling fish and seafood who'd yell "AKARI" so loudly, the entire marketplace seemed to know my name now.

It feels nostalgic, even though it's different.

I secretly glance towards Lu-nii beside me. He's also looking around with distant eyes. He must feel the same huh? After all, it's something that we could never experience in the noble's district. Being in this atmosphere after years would remind you a lot about your past...

Come to think of it, Hana might never be able to experience this... As the princess, it would be very difficult for her to visit the commoner's district and experience this atmosphere. After all, even if she manages to come, she'd need to bring a lot of royal guards and her identity might be revealed. She might not be able to experience what we're experiencing now.

But... At least once... I want Hana to experience this kind of thing...

Maybe after Lu-nii and I are strong enough, we could be her guards and go incognito. Then we'll be going around the marketplace, just like in the past...

"Uhn... Let's do that."

"Hm? What did you say?"

"No, nothing."

"...Are you sure?"


Kuh... It's only at times like this that he's sharp. I-I need to distract him.

"...Hm? Wait... I think I heard something..."

"What did you hear?"

"...It sounded like a cry."

"...Is it just your imagination? I mean, we're in the middle of the marketplace."


We continued to walk, but I'm not keeping an eye around us...

I'm sure I heard something like a muffled crying, but it seemed pretty far. The marketplace is very noisy, but...

"...There it is again! It's coming from that alleyway!"

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