Chapter 76 ~ Different

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[3rd Person POV]

Early morning.

The sun shined brightly in the clear blue sky, not a cloud to be seen. And as the gentle breeze blew across the royal capital of Arcland, a crowd had begun gathering in front of the highly-talked-about new store, "Eden", that seemed to have received the favor of the royal family as well as many high ranking nobles.

The store itself was a beautiful building with arguably the most strategic location within the entire royal capital where commoners and nobles could both access easily through the main street of the marketplace. And in front of it, a perimeter had been made by knights in full armor, creating an area in front of the store and preventing the crowd from getting too close.

As time passed, the crowd grew larger and larger as people who intended to come and see the rumored store arrive, and people who have been attracted by the crowd and led by their curiosity stayed to see what is happening.

Then, a few minutes later, the frontmost part of the crowd began to become louder. Gasps, sighs of awes, and words of disbelief began to spread, like ripples on a calm lake surface.

Walking towards the center of the cleared area, a small Goddess accompanied by a tall, handsome gentleman and a beautiful, bespectacled woman with beautiful golden hair and figure by her side.

Both of her companions were beautiful without a doubt. If a hundred people were to be asked if they are beautiful, then all 100 people would say yes. However, all of their attention was stolen by the little goddess of otherworldly beauty in a pure white dress.

Her appearance alone made her appear like an angel who had descended from the heavens. But in addition to her bearing, her gait, her beautiful deep purple eyes, and her smile, none would've doubted it if they were to be told that she was an incarnation of the daughter of the Goddess herself.

Upon reaching the center, the little Goddess stopped and faced the crowds with a smile that quickly infatuate all of them, regardless of gender.

And as she opened her beautiful, pink lips, all voices died down as the voice that would remain with them for days and weeks ahead resounded through the entire crowd, carried by winds formed by magic.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Alterisa von Lorya, first daughter of the Lorya ducal household. On this beautiful day, I would like to give my sincerest gratitude to everyone for coming to the grand opening of my shop, "Eden".

Today marks an extremely important event in my life, and I feel very blessed and happy to be able to share it with everyone here.

My shop, "Eden", aims to create and sell products that would improve the health and appearance of the hair, and beyond in the future, for everyone, regardless of their social standings.

Some of you may have heard of my products being used by members of the nobility. However, "Eden" provides a variety of hair-care products that are suited not only for the nobility but also for everyone else at a reasonable price.

So if you were to be inclined, please feel free to come and visit "Eden" and we shall do our best to provide you with the best service and best products."

The little Goddess curtsied with impeccable elegance and gracefulness before raising back up.

"Well then. Without further ado, I shall declare "Eden" open for the public!"


[Alterisa's POV]

Pheeeeeww~ I'm so glad I didn't mess up~!! There were even more people coming than I expected and I was this close to panicking!

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