Chapter 87 ~ Meeting with the Coolest Businesswoman!

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[3rd Person POV]

A few months have passed since the photoshoot took place, and the newest product line from Eden, the "Spring of Love" has become one of the most successful product lines not just in Eden's, but in the entire kingdom.

The use of stylistic photos in advertisements was not particularly new. It has been used quite frequently, especially by large merchant companies who could afford the advance photography machine which is quite a new piece of technology. However, these photos were only used to show the customers what the product looks like.

But the "Spring of Love" used photos not only to show their customers the product, but also introduced and innovated the use of models for advertisements. And with their models being the kingdom's most beautiful noble ladies and most sought after gentlemen, they've captured the heart of their customers as well as that of new customers throughout the entire kingdom.

While the products themed around the Crown Prince and the heir of the Ducal household Lorya were the most popular, given Eden's mainly female customer demographic, other products themed around the different noble ladies were also extremely popular. And the reason for this was because Alterisa had successfully utilized all three extremely persuasive techniques to attract her customers.

Pathos referred to the appeal to the emotion of the customers, which Alterisa did by matching the theme of each photo with the theme of her product. The beautiful, fantastical, and thematic photos lent her product its beautiful atmosphere, making it seemed fantastical and even more attractive.

Logos, which referred to the appeal to logic, was easy enough to accomplish given the popularity and trek records of Eden's products. Their products are well known enough for being very natural, safe, and effective, which only serve to increase their customer's trust and attract new customers.

But the reason why the use of models and these photoshoots were extremely effective was because she also used Ethos, which referred to the appeal to prestige and credibility.

Many other companies had also used it but not to the extent of Alterisa's Eden. Eden already used its own popularity, trek record, and backing from the royal family and many other noble families to expand more and more over the years. But other companies had also been using their own popularity, trek record, and connections with various noble families to continue to expand as well.

The one that sets apart Eden's "Spring of Love" with other product line launches from different companies was not only the thematic photoshoots and the use of models, but the models themselves as well.

Alterisa might've simply wanted to take pictures with her friends, but what she did was a truly genius marketing strategy.

The popularity of the products with the Crown Prince and heir of the ducal household Lorya were obvious. After all, they were both extremely handsome and popular gentlemen amongst noble and even commoner ladies, who were Eden's main demographic.

But it wasn't only them. Alterisa, Evelyn, Celine, Illya, Noir, Valerie, Kiara, and Lily, the Crown Princess herself, were also a big part of the success of the product line because they were all extremely beautiful.

And if such beautiful individuals were in a photo related to a certain beauty product, most people would think this way.

I'll be as beautiful as them if I use it!

For Alterisa, this might be a normal advertisement. After all, having models, talents, or celebrities promote their product to achieve this effect was common in her world. But in this world, it was a truly genius marketing strategy.

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