Chapter 59 ~ Opening Ceremony (2)

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Walking around the grand ballroom of the royal palace in a beautiful dress...

Tasting every dessert that meets the eye... All the while holding the hands of a cute girl...

Now this is the life of luxury I'm talking about!!!!!

Fuahahahaha!!!! Envy me, for I am living the dream right now!!!!!!!

"Ah, Risa-sama, this is my favorite custard~! Would you like to try it~?"

"Of course~"

Ah, I might pay the price in the form of calories if this continues on... But how can I reject her when she's looking at me with such beautiful eyes!!

I happily ate the custard she's feeding me.

Anyone who marries Evelyn would be happy... I feel very envious of anyone who could be by the side of such a cutie 24/7...

"Evelyn, you should try it as well~ Here~"

I took the spoon from her and scooped some of the custard and brought it towards her, placing my other hand below it in case it spilled.

"R-Really?! T-Then, p-please excuse me..."

Ufufufu~ She's so cute~ She must be blushing because she's embarrassed of doing such a thing in public.

Well, feeding each other is a bit of a breach in etiquette, but we're still children so it's fine~

She did just feed me as well, so I wonder why she's embarrassed?

Ah, could it be because she's usually the one to feed others? As expected of a girl with an onee-sama character. She's truly an exemplary "ara-ara onee-sama"!!!

"Hehe~ How is it~?"

"U-Uhn... An indirect ki- Ah, I-I mean i-it's very delicious! Ehehehe..."

"Isn't it~"

"Ah, Alterisa-sama~! Evelyn-sama as well~! It is very nice to meet you~!"

T-This voice...!

I turned and saw the beautiful, jet-black haired girl with straight bangs and a super cute face smiling at me with a bright smile.

"Noir~! It's nice to see you too~"

"Ah, Noir-sama~ It is nice to meet you as well~"

Ah~ Another cutie is here~!!! I feel so blessed~!

"A-Alterisa-sama! Y-Y-You look very beautiful!"

"Really~ Thank you for your compliment~ My mother and our households' maids did their best."

"Uhn! But not just your dress! Alterisa-sama herself seems to be... shining so brightly!! Isn't that right, onii-sama~!"

Hm? Onii-sama?

I looked behind her and saw Luke, standing there looking at me with widened eyes, frozen.

Ah, so he's here too... My bad, I didn't see you because Noir's smile was just too blinding!

"It is a pleasure to see you again, Luke-sama."

"Oh my~ Raeven-sama, it has been a while since we've met."

"A-Ah... A pleasure..."

Evelyn's voice seemed to have snapped him out of his daze and he answered absentmindedly.

"Eh? Have you met Luke-sama, Evelyn?"

I know she had met Noir when they coincidentally came on the same day. They came so suddenly when I was making shampoo, so I had them wait in the parlor for a bit as I finished up. They've become friends very quickly and got along very well.

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