<~•A day in the life of Wilbur•~>

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It was a early morning. Wilbur let out soft snores, he sat at his desk rather than his bed.

"WILBUR!" A voice flung his door open, slamming it against the wall. This voice belonged to Wilbur's younger brother Tommy.

Wilbur shot his head up from his desk and let out a small yelp in surprise, but he calmed when he realized it was just Tommy.

"Tommy, why-"
Wilbur said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Dadza said that the bus leaves in 10 minutes and to hurry". Tommy leaned on the doorframe.

"WHAT?!" Wilbur was fully awake now.

Tommy chuckled. "I'll leave you to get changed." Tommy left, and closed the door behind him.

Wilbur put on a yellow sweater, and blue jeans. But since it was early Winter, he also put on a brown trench coat.
As soon as Wilbur was dressed, he opened his door, and sprinted down the stairs, not attempting to grab anything to eat.

He opened the door, only to be stopped by his father Philza Grabbed Wilbur's arm before he could run outside "Woah there mate, where are you going?" He asked

"I'm late Phil! The bus leaves in-"
He got cut of by Tommy cackling. Techno just looked at him slightly shaking his head before face palming.
Wilbur looked at Tommy in confusion.
Tommy smirked and looked at Wilbur. "You actually believed that there was a bus? The school is only a 5 minute walk idiot!" Tommy continued laughing.

Phil was suppressing a laugh.
Wilbur sighed, but didn't respond to it.
"Anyway, since Wilbur's here, can we go now? Tommy looked at Philza." He wanted to get to school as fast as possible. Not because he liked school in general, but because he wanted to see his 2 best friends, Ranboo and Tubbo.

"Sure Tomms, but stay with your brothers until you get to the school at least." Phil crossed his arms.
"Nope!" Tommy opened the door and ran out.

"I guess that's our cue Phil, see you later." Techno walked out.
Wilbur waved at Philza and he waved back with a smile. Wilbur smiled too, and he walked out, closing the door behind him.

Wilbur saw Techno holding a squirming Tommy, trying to break from free from his brothers grasp. Techno wasn't even being moved a bit by this, Like a statue.

Wilbur giggled at the sight of this.
"Techno let him go." He said trying to suppress his laugh.
Techno shrugged and put Tommy down.

"Bitch." Tommy said dusting his clothes off.

"Gremlin child." Techno walked away, and Wilbur followed.

Tommy ran after them, yelling about how he was not a gremlin child, and the whole walk was us listening to him rant about it. Wilbur was used to this since Tommy came to just explain his day to him almost always.

Wilbur saw the school up ahead and his breathing hitched. He saw some people, but not a lot. He would probably be able to get into the music room without any issue, so he sped up his walk.
Tommy noticed this and yelled, "Where are you going?"

"The music room!" Wilbur broke out into a run.

"Dadza told us to stay together until we got to school!" Tommy yelled louder.

"And we're at school aren't we?!" Wilbur slowed down when he saw the other students. He took a deep breath and walked through the door into the school, when he was inside, he let out his breath, and walked further into the school. He scanned each class, not all the lights were on so he couldn't read them all properly.
The class wilbur is looking for is class 3-C. The music room. Wilbur had come across a door that he thought read 3-C so he opened the door, and went inside.

But to Wilbur's dismay, the door was actually 3-O.

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