<~•'Some of us arent as lucky.'•~>

548 18 7

(A/N: Starting school Aaaaaa-)

Third person P.O.V:

Wilbur was sitting on his bed, looking at the ceiling. He had taken his coat off and layed it at the edge of the bed.

"I should have stayed home. But if I didn't I would have never made friends with Mega. but I got in trouble with Phil! But I helped someone-" Wilbur rambled to himself.

But it was interrupted by a knock at his door. Wilbur got up and walked over to his bedroom door. He opened it and and saw Phil and Mega.
"What are you doing here?" Wilbur asked in surprise.
'You forgot your coffee.' Mega handed Wilbur the Coffee.
"Thanks, but this wasn't necessary." Wilbur smiled awkwardly.
'It's the least I could do.'

Wilbur drunk some of the coffee, it was cold from being left out for so long, but he didn't care. It was good coffee.

"Hey Will, I need to apologise for being so harsh on you. Techno told me you probably had your reasons, and he was right." Phil motions to Mega, then puts his hand on Wilbur's shoulder.

"It's alright Phil, I should have told you where I was going before I disappeared like that."
Phil smiled. "I'll prepare breakfast downstairs. I'll call you when it's ready. " Phil walked away and left downstairs.

Mega wrote on his notepad.
'You have a nice family. Make sure to keep them close.'
Mega's gaze darkened, and he looked away.
'Some of us aren't as lucky.'

Mega wrote on the notepad again.
'I need to get back to the coffee shop, see you Wilbur.' Mega put his notepad away, and left down the stairs.

Wilbur closed his bedroom door, and sat down on the floor.
What was Mega implying..
Wilbur thought to himself.

"WILBUR!" Phil yelled from downstairs.
Wilbur stood up, opened the door, left the room, closed his door, and walked downstairs.

(Timeskip is brought to you by Tommy pushing the fridge down the stairs)

Techno was lying flat on the couch, he hasn't moved for 30 minutes.
Wilbur and Tommy were sitting on the floor beside him.

Tommy turned to Wilbur. "Is he dead?" He asked.

"Technoblade never dies, but Technoblade could die on the inside." Wilbur poked Techno.

"I'm not dead inside or out." Techno said muffled through the couch. "I'm sick. Probably since I was by Phil." Techno rose from the couch. He was red in the face, but it wasn't like Phil.

Phil, was upstairs since he shouldn't have been outside to begin with.
"Also my associate is comping over." Techno turned away from Tommy and Wilbur, lying back down.

As soon as Wilbur and Tommy saw he was asleep, they got up and walked out of ear range. "Great now we're in charge of some prick." Tommy groaned.

Wilbur had no idea how to respond, so he bonked Tommy over the head, ran in the opposite direction, and ran up the stairs.


Wilbur and Tommy were sitting on the couch together. Tommy was watching his idol Vikkstar, and Wilbur was scrolling through twitter when he came across something.

YourLocalRanbooStan: "Wilbur soot, Remember Georgenootnootfound? How about Wilbur Noot?"

Wilbur screenshotted the cursed tweet,
Then he screenshotted the screenshot,
Then he screenshotted the screenshot of the screenshot,
Then he screenshotted the screenshot of the screenshot to the screenshot,
Then he posted it with the title:

"Look I made even more cursed."

Wilbur smiled to himself. He heard someone knock on the door. Wilbur got up, put his phone on the couch, and he walked over to open the door.

There stood a familiar blond haired boy with green eyes.

(A/N: 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀)

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