<~•Oh, not so innocent are you?•~>

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(A/N:Patches Stan's are going to kill me if I do anything to her in this fic, so I might not make anything bad to her. maybe. Also I would like to point out certain characters in this story I barely know about, such as Luke, Fruitberries, etc, so I apologize if the actions of the characters don't fit their personalities.)

TW: small bit of Lime, bit of Smut

Wilbur's Third person P.O.V:

Wilbur walked past all the people, he had almost forgot about how he felt about being around crowds like this. Wilbur put the hood of his coat on his head, and continued walking forward.
Where are you Dream? Wilbur had come across a door, and he had opened it, which lead to a stairwell that seemingly led to the basement.

Wilbur looked around for any other options besides this. "Why must this have to happen to me?" Wilbur thought out loud, hoping to see nothing strange down there.
Wilbur walked down the first step and closed the door behind him.
Wilbur was engulfed in darkness, and he continued down the stairs.
Wilbur tried walking down a step, but then he slipped. Wilbur yelped, and he hit his head multiple times on the way down, and when he got to the bottom, he was knocked unconscious.

Meanwhile, the few people in the room just stared at him.
"Is he good?" One asked.
"Why are you asking me? He just fell down an entire flight of stairs, what do you think?" The other retorted.
"How about you actually help him instead of just commentating ya prick?" The third stepped in.
"Okay, then I will." The second had said. They walked over and crouched down next to Wilbur's unconscious body.

"Hey, can you hear me?" They said softly.
Wilbur heard them, barely. He opened his eyes slowly, and his vision cleared up.

"Wha-" Wilbur quickly sat up.
A boy with blond hair and... No eyes, was looking at him with concern.
Wilbur scooted back.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." He stutters.
The boy nods, gets up and goes back to who Wilbur was assuming were his friends.
"Really? That was the best you could do?" One of them remarked.
"Well what else did you expect?" The boy turned to his friend. The two began to fight, cursing at eachother occasionally.
Wilbur watched the two for a few seconds before then remembering what he was supposed to be doing.
"Have any of you seen a cat anywhere?" Wilbur blurted.

the two stopped arguing momentarily to listen. The other boy who had a dark blue sweater and brown hair turned to him.
"Patches? I'm pretty sure she's in the bathroom, Dream made sure to keep her safe, and he put a food and water bowl in there so she's probably fine."
Wilbur sighed in relief.
Another stepped forward. They had brown hair, and black sunglasses with an orange sweater. "My name is TimeDeo, but you can call me Deo."
The blonde one crossed their arms. "I'm Luke."
"And I'm Bitzel." They smiled.

Wilbur recognized those names. These were Tommy's friends, but they didn't seem to recognize Wilbur. Might be because they haven't seen him since.. Sally.
"Nice to meet you too."
"So ever been high before?" Luke asked.
Bitzel and Deo turned to him with a What the Fuck look on their face.
Luke's gaze flicked from Deo to Bitzel.
Bitzel backed into a wall, and Deo just facepalms.

"What?"Bitzel backed into a wall, and Deo just facepalms

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Luke blinked before he realized what he had said. "I meant gone somewhere high, like a mountain or something, thought it would be a good conversation starter."
Deo looked to Wilbur, but he was long gone.
"So we practice introductions later, so I don't scare Tommy's siblings away too, and I won't be able to marry him when he reaches the age of an adult." Deo rambled.
Bitzel, was still in the corner, tuning everything out.
"Sorry what?"
Deo turned into a tomato.


Wilbur closed the door of the basement, and he slid down the door.
"Tommy has some, interesting friends. Makes sense." Wilbur stood up. Now all he had to do was find-
As soon as Wilbur looked up, he saw Mega, and..Zelkam? But that wasn't the weirdest part.
Mega was hitting Zelk on the head with a bag of gummy worms, hearing the words "Get wormed" come from Mega.
Wilbur just covered his eyes, and walked away.

Wilbur was really considering leaving at this point, he had no reason to be here.
"Hey Wilbur!" A voice said from behind him.
Wilbur spun around and Dream was there.
He hiccups.
"I really didn't expect to see you here!" Dream giggled childishly. He was definitely drunk.
"Uh- good to see you too." Wilbur smiled awkwardly.
A huge grin formed on Dream's face. He almost fell over, but he held onto Wilbur's shoulders for support.
"You mean it?"

Wilbur honestly had no idea what to do. He could leave, but what if something happened to Dream? What if someone tried doing something to him?
What if they hurt him?
Wilbur helped Dream stand up, he was going to take him to bed, and keep him there.
Wilbur grabbed Dreams hand.
"Where we goin babe?" He asked in a slurred tone.

Wilbur blushes, before quickly remembering he was drunk, and probably hadn't meant it.
"To your room." He answered semi-clearly.
Dream had a surprised look on his face, and then it turned into a sly one.
"Woah, at least take me to dinner first." He teased.
Wilbur was turning redder by the second.
"Please stop doing this."
Wilbur found Dream's room and opened the door, closing it behind him.

"Get into the bed-"
Dream smiled devilishly.
"Oh~ I see your really desperate for me ay?"
Wilbur's face had officially gone full on red.
"No, just no, get into the bed." Wilbur basically ordered as he looked at the ground.
Dream smiled.
"All right, but give me a kiss on the forehead first."
Wilbur sighed. He knew Dream wouldn't remember this in the morning, so he accepted hesitantly.

"Yay!" Dream lied down on his bed, not bothering to get under the covers.
Wilbur walked over.
Wilbur looked into Dream's emerald green eyes, slightly glazed.
Wilbur leaned down, but then Dream suddenly grabbed Wilbur by the shirt and pulled him down.
Wilbur gasped as he landed next to Dream.
Dream motioned himself on top of Wilbur.
Wilbur had gone full on red, and he was honestly kind of scared.

"D-Dream?" Wilbur stutterers.
Dream's eyes were filled with lust. "Don't worry hun, I'll be gentle."
Wilbur tried to get out of Dream's grip but failed.
Please let this not become what I think this is. Deep down, Wilbur wanted it, but he didn't think he wanted to do it, not yet.

(This part has been redacted because 12 year old me was on sterOids)

Wilbur was panting hard. He sat up and grabbed his boxers, putting them back on along with his pants. Wilbur saw he knocked Dream out cold.
Wilbur picked him up and tucked him in.
He looked at Dream's face.
"I don't think I'll see you again, cause I don't think I want to." Wilbur said with fear in his voice. He walked away from Dream's bed, and out the door.

Wilbur walked down the hallway, and saw Mega out cold on the floor. He was lying next to a broken jug of definitely spiked punch.
Wilbur cringed, knowing he would have to explain the fact he probably had been brutally attacking a random person with candy that he probably didn't know. Wilbur picked him up, swinging him over his shoulder since the boy was surprisingly light, walked through the crowd, and out the door.

(A/N: I'm supposed to be christan, yet I wrote a chapter focused on these two sinning, welp I've already bought a ticket so there's no turning back now-)

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