<~•Caught in the Rain•~>

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(A/N: have Rancat art I made)

Ranboo's third person P.O.V:

Where are they? Ranboo thought to himself. He was sitting on the bench at the bus stop near the park. Not only was it very cold outside today on account that winter was on its way, it was getting ready to rain. Probably. Ranboo wasn't entirely sure, but just in case he waited inside the bus stop. Ranboo had always disliked and somewhat feared getting wet.

Ranboo was waiting for Tommy and Tubbo so the three of them could head into town to hang out. They had some things planned.
Tommy wanted to head to the music store to see if he could find any discs he could add to his collection,
Tubbo wanted to see if any of the stores had any pink hair dye, I don't know why, neither did Tommy,
I wanted to go to the garden house for a grass block, they gave away those for who knows why, and lastly they would go to Tommy's house and watch a scary movie, which Ranboo was against.

They were supposed to meet up hours ago, but they were taking longer than they said they would.
"They're probably just taking a while to get ready to go. Packing and stuff." Ranboo thought out loud.
Ranboo sighed lightly, but he continued to wait. Ranboo was the most patient of the three, and that came in handy quite often.

The sky was getting darker, and Ranboo slowly felt less and less safer. He told his parents that he was going to stay with Tommy and Tubbo for the night so he could have the whole night with the two, so they wouldn't be worried.
Then the light in the bus stop went out. Ranboo instinctively stood up, thinking that something turned out the light when he realized the bus stop lights turn off at 11:00.
Ranboo sat back down.

"I'll make sure to let them know how late they were when they get here." Ranboo told himself.
Then Ranboo's phone notification went off. He picked up his phone which had been sitting beside him and opened the notification."
It was from Tubbo's Twitter and god,
Ranboo had felt betrayed.


So me and Tommy need a game to play with Purpled, you can choose since Tommy and I have no actual good ideas.

Ranboo clutched his phone, reading over the tweet multiple times.
"What the-"
Then he heard something hit the bus stop. Then another.
And another.
Until it was hailing.
Ranboo was safe from the hail since he was standing under the bus stop. But he didn't want to wait outside any longer, and it was getting even colder.
So Ranboo put his phone away, took a few deep breaths, and tried to think of where to go.
Ranboo knew his brothers friends house was closer, since he was invited there and he knew where to go, so he ran out into the hail, and ran as fast as he could.

(This timeskip brought to you by Vlog gun)

Ranboo was tired. He had been running for what seemed like forever. He saw the house on left, and he made a beeline for it.
Ranboo knocked the door, praying that they were home.
He heard footsteps, and then Ranboo saw his brother's friend at the door.
"Ranboo? What in the actual- nevermind, just come in."
Ranboo nodded, and walked inside.
"Why in the flying fuck are you up at 1AM, outside, and by yourself." They asked sternly.

Ranboo explained himself, and they looked at him, wide-eyed in shock.
"those little b-"
Ranboo felt something rub against his leg.
He looked down at his feet and saw a grey and white cat look up at him.
Ranboo loved cats. He loved how soft and fuzzy they were, and the cute noises they made.
Ranboo scooped up the cat. And the cat licked the bottom of his chin, well mask.
This helped Ranboo's mood immediately.
"Well I see you have met Ian." The person walked over to Ranboo, and gave Ian some pats on the head.

"Come on, you should contact your parents to come pick you up. I know how far you house is from mine." The person ignored the fact that Ian had bitten his hand.
"Okay guy." Ranboo nodded, pulling out his phone.
"A6d." Ian let go of A6d's hand.
Ranboo looked up at him. "What?"
"That's my name."
Ranboo smiled, and he put down Ian.
Ranboo called his parents, and asked for them to pick him up.

"So, how long were you waiting out there?" A6d asked.

Ranboo put his phone away. "Since 8 yesterday I think." Ranboo stifilled a yawn.
A6d Turned to Ranboo.
"What are you going to do?" A6d said questioningly.
"What do you mean?" Ranboo stood by the couch.
"What are you going to say to your friends?" A6d put Ian on the counter.
Ranboo crossed his arms. "Probably just act like it never happened."
A6d shook his head. "If you let them get away with this they're going to do something like this again."

A6d snapped his fingers. "Ignore and avoid them for as long as you can until they confront you about it, that's what I do when people do this kind of shit to me."
Ranboo felt unsure. He didn't want his only friends to be mad at him, but he didn't want anything like this to happen again.
Ranboo sighed. "Alright."

(A/N: Hehe we have a long way to go folks so sit back and enjoy the ride-)

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