<~•Dream trying to be sneaky•~>

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(A/N lol none of you answered sooooo~ I made the decision)

Wilbur's third-person P.O.V:

Wilbur had decided to become a random hybrid of some sort, since there probably isn't any harm in doing it. "Okay then." Wilbur attempted to say in the surest way possible.
Phil nods, holding out the blue vial for Wilbur to take, which Wilbur accepts.
Wilbur looked at the blue substance for a few seconds before he pulled out the cork, and closed his eyes as he swallowed the liquid.
"Okay, I swallowed it." Wilbur put the cork back into the empty vial.
Phil looked at Wilbur anxiously, secretly hoping there weren't any after effects.

"Tastes like sand." Wilbur smiled.
Phil let out a sigh of relief. "Your definitely okay. The effects should start working by tomorrow." Phil said calmly.
Wilbur walked over to the door, opened it, turning to Phil.
"It'll be nice being like you, I have a hunch." Wilbur walked out, closing the door behind him.
As soon as he did, Phil began to basically vibrate.
He likes the idea of being like me. Wilbur would never know how happy he was that one of his sons would soon be like him. Sort of.
"Wilbur, even if you won't be a bird-like me, I still got a lot to teach you," Phil mumbled to himself, chuckling a bit.

Dream's third-person P.O.V:

Dream was hiding in the bushes, observing the other track team members.
"Okay, just need to pass by without being seen." Dream quickly and quietly moved to the huge rock across from where he was.
You see, Dream could run faster than normal, a gift per say.
But Dream didn't want to be a part of the team because 1, all of the members except Illumina, the one person who Dream considered a friend on the team, were absolute assholes.

The only reason he joined was because his parents had told him:
"What's the point of you having a gift if you can't use it?" So against Dream's better judgement, they put him up for the track team, and it wasn't any surprise to him when he made the team.
Dream moved cautiously. The team members were... doing something. Dream didn't know, But he didn't want to stick around to find out.

Dream had noticed that the path that led outside the forest wasn't to far, so he attempted to make a break for it. Dream had almost got out of earshot when,
Dream's face became one of pure fear and shock as he looked down slowly. Below Dream's foot was a snake.
"Shit." Dream cursed.
Dream had accidentally stepped on the tail of the snake, breaking it.
The snake hisses at Dream, and Dream kicks it away before it makes any more noise.
Dream huddled down in the silence, hoping they didn't hear.
Nothing was happening, and Dream took that as a good sign.
"That was close."
Dream had let out a breath of relief and got back to his feet.
He had begun creeping away slowly again, then all of a sudden someone grabs Dream's hoodie, and pulls him back.
Dream gasped.
The mystery person was definitely a member of the track team, Dream could tell from the White and yellow uniform they wore. "Who are-"
"Okay, I know I have skipped every meeting we had but please, don't bring me to the others." Dream pleaded, cutting the person off.

The person looked at Dream with a look of pure confusion. Before immediately changing expressions, turning to one of surprise.
"Dream?" The person said in surprise, letting go of Dream's hood.
Dream used the person to regain balance as he recognized the voice.
Illumina quickly looks around before he grabs dream and pulls him away into another pair of bushes, enough to hide them.

"They should have some issues finding us if they come looking for me." Illumina turned back to Dream. "You are so lucky that I wasn't one of the others." Illumina scolded.
Dream chuckled. "Good to see you too."
Illumina sighed at his friends slight carelessness, and looked outside of the bushes they were hiding in before looking at Dream again.
"Why are you here? You know the others won't take kindly to you after you have been gone so long!"

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