Teen Team

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At school, Mark sadly walked into people not caring what others thought.

Girl: Hey!

Guy: Hey... Watch it! Dick...

William rushed over to Mark and stopped him in his tracks.

William: Hey, Mark. Mark. Mark! Whoa. Are you okay?

Mark: My dad, um... he got attacked.

William: What? You're kidding. Oh, god, you're not kidding. Is-Is he okay? What happened?

Mark: He's in the hospital.

Mark: They're doing, uh... They're doing their best, but it's... It's messed up, William. He's really hurt.

William: Jesus, Mark. I'm so sorry. Did they catch who did it?

Mark: No, not yet.

William: Speaking as someone who's been attacked in this stupid city, I'm here for you. Whatever you need. You wanna talk, I'll listen. You and Debbie need a lasagna, I make a good one. Actually, I make a great one.

Mark: Eve Wilkins...

Mark looks over Williams's shoulder and spots the redheaded girl that he saw in the battle.

William: What? Um... Yeah, that's her.

Mark: I need to talk to her.

William: You and all the other straight boys in a ten-mile radius. Good luck with that, and didn't you just get your ass kicked last week for Amber Bennett?

Mark: Eve? Hi, uh... Oh, hey.

Eve: Mark, right? Grayson.

Mark: Um... thanks for saving my butt back there. Y-Yesterday, I mean.

Eve: Yesterday? Oh. Oh! That was you? In the blue and the yellow?

Mark: Yeah. That was me. I'm, um... Invincible. God, that sounds dumb when I say it like that.

Eve: It sounds a little optimistic maybe. I'm Atom Eve, but the rest of the team just calls me Eve. So does everyone else. Right, since it's kind of a normal name, and not something like... Invincible?

Mark: Invincible, yeah.

Eve: Do you want to talk about yesterday? You look like you need to talk about yesterday.

Eve and Mark both walk away while Amber looks over at them. They both go up to the school roof and sit on the edge.

Mark: I never recognized you before.

Eve: No one does. It's a psychology thing. If you don't expect to see a superhero in your school, you don't see a superhero in your school.

Mark: I even follow Teen Team on Instagram.

Eve: That's us. Everyone's fourth favorite superhero team.

Mark: I like you guys way better than Fight Force.

Eve: Oh, we're definitely better than Fight Force. Those guys are the worst. They got their asses kicked by the Lizard League last year.

Mark: Oh, I remember seeing that on TV.

Eve: So... you're new to this, right?

Mark: Uh... I just got my powers. That was my first big fight.

Eve: Ah, okay. Explains a lot. Still, not bad for a rookie.

Mark: Are you kidding? I froze out there. People got hurt.

Eve: People escaped because of you, and everyone freezes their first time. I used to throw up before every fight. Barf my guts out.

Mark: Really?

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