Here Goes Nothing

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Flaxan: Ah! Orep udea!

Dupli-Kate rushes in attacking some of the Flaxans while duplicating herself, and taking more on ahead. The Flaxans bring out a box that opens up revealing a giant Gun like weapon. They began firing it killing multiple of her clones in the process. Meanwhile, Rex throws his bombs at them taking a few out. But they came prepared and bounced them back at him.

Rex: Hey, don't do that!

Robot and Eve fly down and engage but the Flaxans launch a small-looking triangle that opens up and shocks Robot out of his vehicle. The Flaxans round more of themselves and start firing more killing everyone in sight. Eve Spots this and flies over making a barrier keeping everyone she can safe. But it's too much for her as she can't hold much longer. She cuts her barrier off and launches it back at the Flaxans knocking them back. she's immediately attacked and a small device gets stuck to placed on her face.

Flaxan leader: Xopa moy.

Mark grabs one of the Flaxans ships and slams it on the ground getting rid of more. But he's quickly overpowered as they shoot a sticky substance at him keeping him stuck. He looks overseeing everyone getting attacked and beaten.

Robot: They seem... to have spent their time wisely.

Mark looks over to Eve as the Flaxans beat her down.

Mark: Eve!

The Flaxan leader laughs and walks over to her pointing his gun at her.

Mark: No, don't!

The Flaxan Leader gets ready to shoot but Mark finally breaks free from his restraints.

Mark: I said, no!

Flaxan Leader: Brax moy!

Mark speeds his way to the leader smashing him against a wall and beating on him.

Robot: Invincible!

Mark finally lets down and rushes over to Eve taking the small device off her face and letting her catch her breath.

Mark: You Okay?

Eve coughs and nods at him. The Flaxan leader begins screaming as he starts rapidly aging again.

Robot: The wristbands protect them from our timestream. Destroy their wristbands.

Rex: What? All of them?

The team goes and rounds up as much as they can destroying all the wristbands. Robot begins hacking into one of them.

Robot: 49,000 kilohertz. Keep them off meeee...

Sending a high frequency he destroys all of the flaxans wristbands. They all begin aging and retreat to their portals.

Rex: Way to go psycho there, Invincible. I take back everything I said about you before, and I said a lot.

Mark: I don't know what happened. I got mad... I guess?

Rex: Don't get me wrong, that was amazing, but also the scariest thing I've ever seen. Just don't ever point that at me, okay?

Eve: Don't listen to Rex. You did great.

Rex: That's what I said, Eve. God, my back. Can I get a massage? Anybody? Just a little rub?

Mark's phone starts ringing and he answers but quickly hangs up.

Eve: Everything okay?

Mark: I gotta go.

Mark takes off leaving the team alone with the mess that just went down.

Rex: Oh, no, that's fine. We'll handle the clean-up. Asshole!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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