Chapter 2

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Louis' POV:

I gently knock of the brown door and wait a couple seconds before the door swings open. Mr. Styles stands there, towering over me with a questioning & frustrated look. I tighten my grip on my bag straps and look down at the floor. Gees this man is intimidating. 

"Mr. Tomlinson," he starts, "Is there are reason as to why you are 25 minutes late to my class?" He asks, his deep, authoritative voice intimidating me. I open my mouth to answer but nothing comes out.

"Well, I'm waiting." He says, while tapping his foot. I look up and notice the whole class is watching us. I look back down at the floor. 

"W-well my a-alarm clock didn't g-go of t-t-this morning so I woke up late a-and the b-bus had already left s-so I had to walk h-here." I stuttered with a wavery voice. 

I could hear a couple boy in the back snickering at me. "A bit disappointing Mr. Tomlinson. I'm expecting you to be more organized next class." He says sternly. I nod my head quickly, 

"Y-yes Mr. S-styles." And rush past him to take my seat. 

"Y-yes Mr. S-styles." One of the boys says in a high pitched voice. 

Nearly the whole class starts snickering. I can feel my face burn red as I slide further down my seat. 

"Right, that's enough Mr. Jones. I'm not having any of that in my class thank you." Cam (Mr. Jones) Rolls his eyes but sits back in his seat and carries on with his work. 

"Now, if you could all get out your assignment I handed out last week. I will be marking them tonight." Mr. Styles instructs while walking down the isles of desks, collecting everyone's work.     I reach in my bag to get my homework but can't find it. Already starting to freak out I empty my entire bag on my desk in search of it but it's not there. 

Mr. Styles along with everyone else watches me. How could I be so stupid! I left it on my desk. I run my hands over my face and sigh in frustration. 

"Is there are problem Mr. Tomlinson?" Mr. Styles asks from across the class room. I look up at him, ready to cry out of stress. Mr. Styles seems to notice and calls me over to his desk. He claps his hands and tells the class to pull out their reading books. 

I take a deep breath and blink back my tears. There's no way I'm going to cry in front of my whole class. "I'msosorrysirbutIpromiseyouIdiddoallmyhomeworkbutIwenttosleepsolatelastnightandgotbarelyanysleepandthenmyalarmdidn'tgooffsoIwasinarushthismorningandforgotmyhomworkonmydeskathome." I rush out all in one go. Mr. Styles gives me a confused look and asks me to repeat myself but much slower.

"I'm so sorry sir but I promise you, I did do all my home work but I went to sleep so late last night and got barely any sleep and then my alarm didn't go off so I was in a big as rush this morning and forgot my homework on my desk at home and I am so sorry." I look down at my lap and bight my lip and bounce my leg up and down repeatedly. A couple habits I have when I'm nervous. 

"Is everything ok at home?" He asks in a quiet, calming and gentle voice. So much different to what I'm used to. 

I furrow my brows and look up. I'm met with the most breathtakingly beautiful green eyes I've ever seen. I've never probably looked him in the eyes, that's why I'm only noticing now but I wish I had earl - wait what? you can't talk about him like that! He's you teacher Louis! Snap out of it. I shake my head slightly and look into his and see that he is being genuine. 

"Y-yeah evert-thing is fine. Why d-do yo a-ask?" I ask nervously. 

"You sure? So you have a nice quiet place to do your homework?" 

"Um w-well no not e-exactly." I reply, looking down at my lap again.

 "Ok well, I want the best for my students, you know that right?" I nod my head slowly, still not looking him in the eye. 

"Ok well I've noticed a pattern with you previous test result and they're not looking great," He starts slowly. I gulp but let him continue, "And I'm always free after school, and I want you to stay back after school and we're going to set up a tutoring schedule."   

"Tutoring? I don't need tutoring." I say, even though I know I probably do. 

"Mr. Tomlinson, in order for you to pass this class you have to get at least 60% and you are working at 45%." I slouch down in my seat feeling ashamed. 

"But if you get a tutor your grades could progress by a lot." I think about it for a little bet. 

"Who would be my tutor?" I question.

 "Me." He states simply.  

"You?" I ask shocked. He nods his head. 

Before we could say anything else, the bell rung. I spun around and quickly collected my stuff. "See you back in my class after school Mr. Tomlinson." He says. I just give him a quick nod and follow everyone else out the door. 


Question of the chapter: Favorite animal?

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