Chapter 7

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Louis Tomlinson with sweater paw is so fucking CUTE! 


Louis' Pov:

I smile to myself and lean back in my chair. That food was so good. I can't remember the last time I had a home - cooked meal. I stand up too fast and feel my head going dizzy. I hold the chair to steady myself and then pick my plate up and place it down in the sink.

"Hello there."

I jump in fright and spin around. A lady who looks to be between 50-60 years old stands in the door way smiling slightly.  

"U-um hi." I say quietly.

"And who might you be dear?"

I look up at her and smile slightly. She's being so nice to me. 

"L-louis. My name is Louis." I stutter.

"Are you here with Mr. Styles?" She asks.

I nod my head slowly. Where is Mr. Styles? Why did he leave me all alone in this big house? 

"Come on dear, I'd take it your staying the night. It's far to late for a young man like you to be out. Follow me, I'll show you to a guest room." I nod and follow her up stairs silently.

We stop in front of a big creamy coloured door. She tells me to wait here for a moment and walk further down the hallway. She comes back with a towel and some sort of body washes.

"Right, here you go," she says handing me the things, "The bathroom is that door down there on the left. You can make yourself comfortable in the room and then take a shower." 

"Thank you miss." I smile politely.

"Your welcome dearie."

I still feel a bit tipsy from the alcohol but it's wearing of slightly. I open the door to the bedroom and gasp. This room is pretty much the size of about half my house! 

Bloody hell.

I put the towel and washes down on the bedside table then jump on the bed. I squealy in excitement. It so comfy and the pillows are soooooooooo fluffy! I giggle to myself.

After a little while I climb off the bed and make my way to the bathroom. I was about to start taking my clothes off before I realized. I forgot my towel and washes in the bedroom!



I make my way back towards the room but stop in my tracks. I can hear funny noises coming from one of the rooms. I press my ear up against the door. I can hear someone groaning over and over again. 

It's Mr. Styles!

Is he ok? The sounds start to get louder get louder. It sounds like he's hurt. I swing the door open and rush inside. 

"Mr. Styles! Are you ok?" I ask worried.

The man looks up at me will wide eyes before he quickly pulls the blankets up over his body.

"Louis! What are you doing!?"

"I-I wanted to see i-if you were ok, I could hear you g-grunting from out side, I t-thought you h-hurt yourself." I mumble nervously. 

"NO! What the fuck? I'm not hurt, I was- Agh! Never mind. You should know better then to just barge into someone's room with out knocking!" He shouts at me angrily. 

I look down a the floor. Tears blur my vision as I try not to cry. He's being mean to me. I don't like it when he shouts, it's scary. I was only making sure he was ok.

"I-i'm sorry Mr. S-styles. I-I was j-just trying to s-see if you w-were ok cause I-I heard you g-grunting and I f-faught you w-were hurt and I j-just wanted t-to h-help you." I quickly explain before bursting into tears. 

I hide my face in my sleeve covered hands while trying to calm down. 

Through my cries I hear Mr. Styles mutter quiet 'shit' under his breath. I can hear him moving quickly around the room before I felt his presents in front of me. I peek through my hands and look up at him with big watery eyes.

"I'm sorry for yelling Louis but you should've knocked before barging in here. Do you understand?" He asks in a calm yet firm voice. 

I nod my head quickly and try to stifle my cries. I can feel my body shaking from getting so worked up. I don't know whats wrong with me. My emotions are just all over the palce. Maybe it's the alcohol? 

"Use you words Louis."

"Y-yes Mr. S-styles." I squeak out.

"Right, no need for those tears Mr. Tomlinson. Put your hands down." 

I slowly lower my hands and rap them around myself. I take a step towards him slowly. Cuddles are the only thing that make me happy when I'm upset. 

I just want his cuddles.

I look up at him and pout. He gives me a questioning look and I step closer to him.

"Cuddles." I mumble quietly.

"Ugh. Mr. Tomlinson I don't think that's very appropriate." Mr. Styles says, looking slightly uncomfortable. 

"B-but cuddles are t-the only thing t-that make me feel b-better when I'm sad. P-please? You want me to s-top crying d-don't you?" I hiccup. 

He looks at me for a couples seconds, contemplating what he should do. Eventually he sighs and looks down at me. 

"Fine. Go sit on my bed while I find you something to wear." He orders me.

I run to his bed and climb on top. I giggle to myself, this bed is even more comfortable then the other one. He hands me a hoddie that's probably about 5 times my size and a pair of basketball short. He turns around to give me some privacy while I get changed. I smile grateful. 

The hoddie sits just above my knees, completely covering the shorts. 

"Finished." I chirp quietly.

Mr. Styles turns around and take in a sharp breath. He look me up and down a couple time. I blush and fiddle with my fingers. He snaps out of it and reaches over to the covers, pulling them back. 

He climbs in one side and I in the other. I role over on my side to look at him. He's wearing similar shorts to me and a tight black t-shirt. I look at his arms curiously seeing multiple tattoos littering his arms. I didn't know he had any tattoos but they look really good on him. 

I shift closer to him so that I'm right up against his side. He looks at me hesitantly.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I wanna cuddle remember?" I look him in the eyes and give him the best puppy dog eyes I can master up. 

He roles his eyes at me but I can see the corner of his mouth twitch up in to a small smile but it's disappears as quick as it came.  He slowly extends his rights arm out along the bed and I snuggle up to his side. 


 He smells so good. I smile and tuck my head into his neck, sleep slowly starting to overcome me. His body stiffens at first but then slowly relaxes and he raps his arms around me firmly. I feel so safe and secure right now, a feeling I haven't felt for so long. 

I focus on his steady heart beat thumping against his chest and his long fingers slowly tracing patterns on my arm. I close my eyes and allow myself to fall asleep knowing I'm safe. 


1215 words

Heyo, I hope you liked this chapter. 

What do you think will happen next? Will Louis remember any of this in the morning? Will Mr. Styles treat Louis differently now or will he still be cold towards him?

Question of the chapter: Favorite number?

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