Chapter 10

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Warning - Abuse and attempted Sexual assault


Louis' Pov:

*Skip to the next day at school*

I wave goodbye to Zayn as he pulls out of my school parking lot. Thankfully he was able to give me a ride to school today so that I didn't have to walk like the other day. I adjust the straps of my school bag and make my way inside. 

I arrive at my locker and grab the books I'll be needing for my first to classes. I jump back as my locker door is slammed shut, nearly chopping my fingers off.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Tomlinson."

I look up nervously to see the one and only Chad Davidson. Chad is what I guess you would call popular. He's well known around the school, in nearly every popular sports team, wealthy, and most people would say he's hot but not to me.

He's known for picking on people who aren't wealthy and popular like he is. I look around slightly and see that there are 4 of his 'minions' surrounding me. I tighten my arms around my books and cower back a bit. 

"C-can I help you w-with s-something?" I ask quietly.

He roles his eyes at me. "Yeah, why else would I be talking to you?" 

He pulls out a stack of papers from his bag and slams them in my chest. I look up at him confused not knowing what he expects me to do with it.

"I want this done by tomorrow." He demands.

"I'm s-sorry what?"

"I didn't stutter did I? This work was due last week and if I don't have it in by tomorrow, I'm in deep shit. Your a nerd, nerds are smart so I'm telling you to do it." 

"Look, I'm not doing your work." 

I go to walk away but one of his friends pulls me back and Chad slams me against the lockers. I whimper as a sharp pain goes through my back. 

"I wasn't asking if you wanted to or not. I'm telling you. If it's not finished and turned into me by tomorrow morning you'll be in big trouble." He spat in my face.

"I-I don't know h-how to do this s-stuff." 

"What do you mean you can't do this? Are you really that stupid?" 

I can feel tears building up in my eyes. I'm not a very inelegant person when it comes to school. That's the whole reason why I now have tutoring. 

He yells out in annoyance and throws me onto the floor. I land hard on my back and let out a sharp cried of pain. My books are scattered all over the floor. One of his friends empties my entire bag out on the floor until he finds my lunch money and stashes it in his pocket. I curl in on my self scared.

I large crowd has formed around us now. I feel so trapped and useless. The bell ring signaling the beginning of school. Slowly, the crowd disappears until it's just me, Chad and his 4 friends. He turns around when his friend offers him the money they took from me. I take this as a chance to make a run for it. 

I leave all of my belongings behind me and as I sprint down the long, deserted hallways and towards the nearest bathroom. I throw the door open and lock myself in one of the stalls. I sit down on the toilet seat and bring my knees up to my chest while trying to calm my breathing. 

I can hear the boys yelling at each other, trying to find me. My whole body is shaking with fear. By now I'm full on crying. I cover my mouth with my hand trying to stop any sounds from escaping. The bathroom door opens and I can hear feet shuffling.

"You come out now and your punishment will be less painful." Chad says. 

I can hear the stall door being kicked open until they get to the one I'm hiding in. 

"I know your in there... fag. Might as well come out now."

After they get no response they kick open the last door. It flies open and I push myself further into the wall. One of his friends hauls me off the floor and chucks me out the stall. I crash into one of their chests and whimper. 

They push me back and fourth between them for a while before Chad punches me in the face. I let out a loud yelp. 

"P-please s-stop." I whimper, already in enough pain.

"P-please s-stop." He mimicked.

I fell to the floor, my head smacking hard against the sink on my way down. Chad, along with his friends threw several kicks and punches everywhere they could reach on me. I screamed and cried but no one came to help me. 

Eventually Chad made them stop and told them to leave and go to class or whatever. I looked into his cold dark eyes in complete fear. He looked down at me with a menacing grin. With the little strength I had left, I managed to push myself backwards under the sink. 

"Now now there. I'm gonna give you something you'll like." 


He bent down to me and pulled me away from the sink. He began to unbuckle my belt. I screamed at the top of my lungs, begging for someone to come and help me. I tried over and over again to push him away. Eventually he got frustrated and pined both my hands above my head with one hand and then unbuckled my pants with the other.

"Shut the fuck up fag."

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!" A voice shouted. 

I looked up through my glossy eyes to see the principle standing in the door way of the bathroom. He looked down at us and once he noticed what was happening, his face showed complete shock.

He rushed over and lifted Chad up by the collar. Three more teachers rushed into the bathroom. One of them being Mr. Styles. As soon as he saw me he came rushing over. I was whimpering and crying in pain, about to pass out. 

"Shhhhhhhh. Deep breaths Louis. You need to stay awake for me ok? Deep breaths now." 

He gently pulled my pants back up for me. I looked into his eyes looking for comfort. I could barely hear or see what was going on around me. The only the truly visible was Mr. Styles. Another teacher handed him a wet cloth and he slowly began to wipe the blood form my face.

I whimpered at the stinging sensation. He carefully laid my head down on his lap and gently ran his fingered up and down my none sore arm in an attempt to distract me from the pain. His whispered quiet words in my ear, relaxing me slightly as he continued to clean up my face. 

A female teacher began to clean up some of the blood on other parts of my body. All in an attempt to reduce the amount of blood lose.

"I-it hurts." I croaked out.

"I know it does. Your being so brave. So brave for me." He whispered softly into my ear.

For some reason those words gave me butterflies. I smiled the best I could and closed my eyes, just focusing on his deep, soothing voice. 

"No Louis, open your eyes for me. You can't go to sleep buddy." He sounded a bit frantic.

The last thing I heard before I passed out was the blearing sound of sirens. 



Poor Louis

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