Chapter 9

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Louis Pov:

I wake up to an empty bedroom and killer headache. I groan and rub the side of my head. Where am I? The last thing I remember from last night was being kicked out of Maccas and then the rest is a blur. I look around the unfamiliar room and start to panic. I look down to see I'm not wearing my own clothes and that mine are scattered around the room.

I quietly tip toe down the long stair case. Bloody hell, this place is massive! It's like a mansion or something. How the heck did I end up here. I groan again at the sharp pain in my head. I reach the bottom of the stairs and follow the faint sound of music playing somewhere.  

I entered the kitchen to see a tall man making what I think was breakfast. His hips were lightly swaying a long to the music and I giggled quietly. As he turned slightly to grab something, I got a glimpse of his face.


What on earth am I doing at Mr. Styles' house?

I cleared my throat to let him know of my presence. Mr. Styles jumped in fright and spun around to look at me. I looked up at him nervously and bounced on the balls of my feet.

"Oh, your awake." He said bluntly.

"U-um yeah." I looked at him awkwardly.

"D-do you remember anything from last night?" He asked suddenly. I looked into his nervous eyes. 

"No? N-not really, the last thing I remember w-was getting kicked out of Maccas and the rest is a blur." I answered him.

He let out a big breath which seemed to be of relief? What's that about? 

I winced as another shooting pain went through my head. 


I nodded and gratefully took the glass of water and pill he gave me. Bloody hell, how much did I drink last night? Don't think I'll be doing much drinking after this. 

"Um, w-would you mind t-telling me what happened last ni-"

"Nothing! Nothing happened last night." He cut me off.

"Uh... you sure?"

"Yep!" Nodded his head quickly. 

"T-then why did I wake up in your house?"

Mr. Styles sighs in defeat. "Your mates got into a fight and I was contacted by the police to come pick you up. You were intoxicated and there was no one at you home to look after you. I took you back to my place so that you wouldn't go out and do something stupid again." 

I nodded my head slightly embarrassed that Mr. Styles had to deal with me like that. 

"And that's all that h-happened?"'

"Yup, that's all that happened." He stated firmly. 

I nodded my head and sat down at the breakfast bar as he started to served us breakfast which consisted of eggs, bacon and toast. By far the best breakfast I have had in years. I hummed in appreciation.

"Thank you Mr. S-styles. This tastes so so good."

"You welcome, glad to know you like my cooking."

Once we're both finish with our breakfast, Mr. Styles takes our plates in the sink and begins to wash them. I offer to help him do the dishes but he refuses and sends me back to my seat. 

"It's my release day today, that's why I'm not at school. I also told them you were sick off school today." Mr. Styles tells me.

"Won't they be a bit suspicious that you called me in sick?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "There's nothing for them to be suspicious about. I told them I gave you a tutoring session yesterday and that you were completely out of it and they believed me so yeah."

We stood there in awkward silence a little while before I decided to speak up. 

"About those tutoring sessions... are we still going to do them or-"

"Yes Louis, you need help with your work and as your teacher, it's my responsibility to help you."

"Ok-well-um-yeah, sounds great." I stuttered.

"You should probably get going now, I'm sure your brother will be wondering where you are."

Yeah right.

I quickly said goodbye to Mr. Styles before the door was shut in my face.


I have no idea how to get home.

I wonder around for a bit and come across a park. It's pretty much empty except for the odd person walking their dog. I sigh and pull out my phone to call Zayn. Hopefully he can come pick me up. When he answers, I tell him the name of the park and ask if he could please come and pick me up. He tells me he's on his way and I thank my lucky stars for such a good friend. 

I sit under a big oak tree and wait for Zayn. After about five minutes, I get bored and begin to make a flower crown with the pretty pink flowers surrounding me. 

When I'm finished, I look up and see a figure running towards me. I smile knowing it's Zayn and stand up to meet him half way. 

"Hey Zayn! What do you think?" I ask, showing him my finished flower crown proudly.

"Hey Lou, looks great. Ready to go?" I smile and nod my head.


Thanks for reading!

Question of the chapter: Favorite book?

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