Chapter 4

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Archies pov
I hear a knock on my door
A: hey Betty
B: hey arch it feels like forever
A: yea it dose .I laugh an hug Betty she hugs back
B: so what you wanna do. Betty say as I let her come in the house .
A: umm idk  what is everyone else doing
B: umm Veronica Toni an cherly are all at the white wrym setting up for the party tonight . Kevin is on vacation jug is sleeping .
A: I gusse we could help set up you have to be there anyway right .
B: yea I do I'm getting my tattoo  same as my mom.
A: well ig we could walk there an catch up on things.
B: yea sure just let me tell my parents . While I put on some shoes Betty calls Alice
A: we good to go
B: yep .
5 minutes later of walking in comfortable silence I break it.
A: Betty have you noticed jug acting weird.
B: umm a little bit why
A: just wanted to know if it was just me .

Bettys pov
Shit shit shit Archie asked me about Jughead thankfully I made something up fast .I get snapped out of my thoughts by Archie calling my name
A: earth to Betty Hello Betty
B: wait what
A: you just zoned out what where you thinking about
B: oh Uh I was just thinking about me an Ronnie we have been fighting a lot an aren't on talking terms right now but I'm gonna talk to her tonight .
A: oh dang I'm sorry but I hope y'all work things out .
B: yea me too but enough of us how are you an jug
A: shouldn't you know this
B: yea I do but I wanna hear your point of view.
A: oh well where fine everything has been pretty great.last night we watched a movie an cuddled jug falling asleep fast as always .
B: you know he only falls alseep that fast when you to are together an cuddling. We laugh
A: not true
B: so is .we talk an catch up about some other things till we get to the White wrym . It took us like 30 minutes because we were talking an walking slow .
T: oh hey Betty hey Archie
B: hey Toni we're gonna help set up some things
C: thank god this is taking hours  wait where's hobo. Me an Archie laugh
B ,a: sleeping . Me an Arch say at the same time
T: of course he is
B: oh umm you know where v. Is I need to talk to her
T: yea she's by the stage Archie come help me hang theses party things .

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