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(After they did their thing)

Ar:i love you bby
He said i was exhausted but could still hear him wispering sweet nothings in to my ear as i slowly fall into a deep sleep

(Archie pov)

He was so cute when he sleeps well is cute all the time but you know what im saying i kiss jug on the forehead and our babies before getting up nd putting some clothes son deciding theyll bath together when jug is up.before leaving making sure jug was covered and okay i went downstairs.
Fp: oh hey archie i was just talking to your dad about a few things hows jug?
Ar:fine asleep
Not really wanting to talk him because i knew if jug knew he was here he would have a fit.
Ar:you know hes not going to be happy your here
Fp:im awhere ill be gone before he wakes up
I grab the water out the fridge and goes back upstairs to my baby,but when i sat on the bed it was stcky and wet of cum i sign nowing im going to have to wake jug up nd put him in the tub bc the plug didnt hold.
Ar:pretty bby can you wake up for me
He whined rolling around
Ar:i know bby but you have to take a bath baby your sticky.
He finally opens he pretty blue eyes
Ju:take with me?
He said with the cutest pout on his face
Ar: ofc bby let me get the water running okay love
He nodded and sat up i got the tub ready with bubbles and eqsin salt but when i came back my bby was crying
Ar:why are you crying love
Ju:i didnt listin
Ar:shh bby the plug wasnt your fault baby
I had him in my arms legs around me he was still naked so i stood up with him nd brought him into the bathroom
Ar:cmon bby no more tears okay lets get in the bath
I seattle him in the bath taking off the sheets off my bed bed then joining him
Aar:you okay love are you sore
Ju: a little bit bt im okay
He lened his  head back on my shoulder relaxing
Ju:i missed you us
Ar:i know love you dont have to keep saying it
Ju:but i left and didnt planning on coming back
Ar:no look at me
I turn jug in the tub so i could see him
Ar:you did nothing wrong it was for you and the babies sake i was doing stuff you shouldnt be around so dont ever apoligize for somthing like that again understood?
He whimpered out i knew when i ws scrict it turned him on a lot so it wasnt bad
Ar:you ready to get out love you cant barley keep your eyes open
He just gave me i nod i reached to drain the tub stabdin up helping jug up as well i wrapped a towel arpund myself then jug picking him up  and carrying him  to the freshly new sheets on the bed
Ar:what do you want to wear pretty
Ju:panties and your sweatshirt pretty please
Jug never wheres much clothes well if its only me and him he would were his skirts and croptops or no pants just like now.
Ar:okay baby do you want to take a nap and watch a disney movie?
I added after me and him had our clothes on and under the covers.he nodded against my chest i noticed he wasbt tslking as much as he would before our break but brushed it off as hes tired.

Sorry for any grammer mistakes i go back to school on tuesday so i wont be posting as much as i currently am i will most likley only have time to write on the weekend or late at night so sorry if theres a long wait inbetween i will be starting a oneshot book i cant decide if it should be smut or fluff let me know???

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