Even though it seemed like Mistpaw had accepted Ripplebreeze's apology, Nightpaw and Featherpaw still refused to accept the apology of their adopted mother. It had really created a rift between the trio which hurt Ripplebreeze and Minnowstripe to see. Whiteclaw used it as an excuse to keep Mistpaw away from her siblings as much as he could, claiming that they'd use her to get above every other cat there. Mistpaw believed her mentor. After all, when had he ever lied to her?
"Today I want to quiz you on the warrior code before you can help out Graypool, okay?" Whiteclaw said. Mistpaw nodded, sitting in front of her mentor. "First one; can you have friendships with cats from other Clans?"
"Yes, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan."
"Because one day you may meet them in battle."
"Very good," he praised. "Next one; what must you not do on another Clan's territory?"
"You must not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory."
"Yes. Alright, next one; who must be fed first in the Clan?"
"Elders, queens, and kits."
"Do apprentices need permission to eat?"
"Yes. Apprentices cannot eat until they have hunted to feed the elders."
"What if a warrior or apprentice is sick or injured?"
"Then they can eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating."
"You're getting good at this, Mistpaw," Whiteclaw was impressed with his apprentice. "Number four; why is prey killed and what must you do with it?"
"Prey is killed only to be eaten and you have to give thanks to StarClan for its life."
"Indeed. How old does a kit need to be to become an apprentice?"
"Six moons."
"Yes. What must newly appointed warriors do?"
"Keep silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name."
"What must a cat meet in order to become deputy?"
"They need to have mentored at least one apprentice."
"Correct. When will the deputy become Clan leader?"
"When the leader dies, retires, or is exiled."
"Yes. When must the new deputy be chosen?"
"Before moonhigh."
"Good. At a Gathering, there is a truce. What does it mean?"
"There shall be no fighting among the Clans during the Gathering."
"Correct. What must be checked and marked daily?"
"And what do we do to trespassing cats?"
"Challenge any we come across, unless they have been given permission to cross by the leader or deputy."
"Very good. What can no warrior neglect?"
"A kit in pain or danger, even if it is a kit from a different Clan."
"Yes. What is the word of the Clan leader?"
"The warrior code."
"Good job. What does an honourable warrior not need to do?"
"Kill other cats to win their battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or in self-defence."
"Excellent. What does a warrior reject?"
"The soft life of a kittypet."
"Yes. And finally, what does each Clan have the right to be and what must they do in times of trouble?"
"Each Clan has the right to be proud and independent but in times of trouble they must forget their boundaries and fight side by side to protect the four Clans."
"Very good, Mistpaw," Whiteclaw smiled. "You got all of them right. Go hunt for the elders and then you can relax with Duskkit and Weaselkit for the rest of the day, teach them a little bit of the warrior code whilst you're there."
"Yes, Whiteclaw!" Mistpaw nodded, bounding off towards the river. She's a good apprentice, the tom thought before heading back to camp. Mistpaw was able to catch three plump trout before heading back to camp, setting them down on the freshkill pile and going to the nursery where her siblings were waiting for her.
"Mistpaw! Mistpaw!" cheered the duo, Ripplebreeze purring in delight at seeing her daughter. "What did you do today?" asked Duskkit.
"I was quizzed on the warrior code and then hunted for the elders," Mistpaw replied.
"Can you teach us a bit of the warrior code, Mistpaw?" Weaselkit asked to which Mistpaw agreed. She explained that the leader's word was the warrior code and that a warrior must reject the soft life of a kittypet. "Wow! Are there anymore?"
"There are," Mistpaw nodded, "but I'll teach you those tomorrow. How about we play for a bit, okay? Mossball?"
"Yes!" the two kits cheered, getting their mossball and playing with their older sister. Minnowstripe made his way over, brushing his tail over the back of Mistpaw in greeting as well as asking for forgiveness. The she-cat nuzzled into the tom, pulling away to play with her siblings once more.
Crookedstar watched the five interact, guilt eating him up inside when he noticed Featherpaw and Nightpaw both glaring at the she-cat. With a heavy sigh, the tom continued to watch his Clan as his deputy merely shook her head in slight disappointment. Crookedstar could understand why, he had ruined Featherpaw, Nightpaw and Mistpaw's lives within their Clan. Even if Ripplebreeze, Minnowstripe, Silverpaw, Mudfur, Leopardfur, Whiteclaw, Loudbelly, Wildwillow, and himself could see past it, many cats in the Clan could not. This was his fault for believing what Ripplebreeze had said, that it would make their lives easier. If anything, it was like she was testing them in her own little way and, by the looks of it, only one of them as passing the assessment.

New Horizons
FanfictionFireheart, Graystripe, and Mistcloud, as well as a large group of cats, leave their territory in search of a place where they fit in. They find it and are welcomed with open paws. ~ Started - 1.9.21 Completed - 17.10.21 ~ Total words: 25,221