Chapter 22

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12 moons had passed since the birth of Stripekit and Flamekit. Stripekit became the MistClan warrior Stripeheart and Flamekit became the MistClan warrior Flamefur. Unfortunately no kit survived from Feathershade and Smudge's litter of two kits, both stillborn. Luckily, they were able to have another kit, a single black-and-white she-kit called Leafkit who was to become an apprentice very soon. Speaking of...

"Let all cat old enough to hunt gather before the rockpile for a Clan meeting!" Miststar called from where she stood on the rockpile. The Clan gathered before her, Leafkit clearly excited since she knew what day it was. "Leafkit, step forward." Leafkit did so. "Leafkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Leafpaw. Your mentor will be Brightwing. I hope Brightwing will pass down all she knows on to you." Miststar turned to Brightwing. "Brightwing, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You will be the mentor of Leafpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Leafpaw." Leafpaw and Brightwing touched noses before stepping back as the Clan cheered for the new apprentice.

"Leafpaw! Leafpaw! Leafpaw!" they cheered.

After Leafpaw's apprentice ceremony, Graystripe couldn't help but notice how Miststar and Fireheart were talking in hushed tones, Fireheart stealing odd glances at Miststar's belly. "Should we announce it to the Clan?" Fireheart murmured as Graystripe sat a few tail lengths away, listening. "What do you want to do? This is the last one you can have, Miststar."

"We'll announce it the Clan when they arrive," Miststar replied, Fireheart nodding as he got ready to get a hunting patrol together, as well as a border patrol just in case. LightningClan has been quiet as of late and that worried both WaterClan and MistClan. In fact, they hadn't turned up to the past three Gatherings, so it was quite worrisome. The forest needed the three Clans to survive. WaterClan had mentioned how their scent was very stale on their border, as it was on MistClan's border. Both Clans decided to give it another moon, if no action from LightningClan came by then then they would go and investigate themselves about what was wrong with LightningClan. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.

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