Night soon drew in, masking the joy of the day and bringing the promise of sleep with it. Not for three certain cats, however. Nightstream, Mistcloud, and Feathershade stood by the river, taking everything in that had happened in the past. "What do we do?" murmured Feathershade. "It's obvious we need to leave RiverClan, but how? I can't exactly leave Weaselpaw without a mentor, nor can Mistcloud leave her kits."
Nightstream nodded, looking down at his paws. "I know," he mewed before looking at his littermates, "but we need to leave this Clan. It's not safe for us, or the kits. Mistcloud, you would know this better than anyone else!"
"I know, I know," nodded Mistcloud, glancing towards the direction of camp. "Would it be best to take the kits with us, as well as Weaselpaw?" Nightstream and Feathershade glanced at each other before nodding. "Perfect, that's what we'll do. Tomorrow, at moonhigh, we'll meet here and make our way to a new territory where we'll fit in for once." Agreeing, the trio headed back.
Only a few tail lengths away from where the trio had met, Silverstream was listening in with a sinking heart. She was going to lose her closest friends, as well as the new five kits. The silver tabby she-cat knew it was bound to happen. RiverClan had never really considered the three real RiverClan cats after the revelation all those moons ago. It was a shame really; the three warriors really would have prospered in RiverClan. Then again, would they really prosper? Probably not.
Heaving a heavy sigh, Silverstream headed back to the camp where Mistcloud was just curling around her five surviving kits. It was clear to everyone that the she-cat was grieving but wanted to be there for her remaining kits as much as he could. Settling down in her moss bed, Silverstream glanced down at her swollen belly before drifting off to sleep. the next morning came and Silverstream knew exactly what to do, knowing it was time to go to ThunderClan so that Graystripe could see the kits when they're first born.
Getting to ThunderClan territory, she met with Graystripe in the dep gully by Sunningrocks. "Silverstream, what's wrong?" Graystripe exclaimed, meeting the she-cat who collapsed upon seeing her mate, flank heaving. The she-cat couldn't speak, only wailing as spasms shot through her body. Silverstream let out another chilling wail as her legs twitched.
"Graystripe!" gasped Fireheart from the rock the ginger warrior stood upon.
Graystripe was crouched beside Silverstream, frantically licking her heaving flank. The solid grey tom looked up at the sound of Fireheart's voice. "Fireheart! It's the kits – the kits are coming, and it's all going wrong. Fetch Yellowfang!"
"But-" Fireheart bit off his protest as he headed back to ThunderClan's camp. Graystripe turned to Silverstream as she continued to pant. He knew that he couldn't give much comfort to the she-cat, not much at all, but he really just wanted to let her know that he was there for her. Fireheart soon returned but it was clear the she-cat was exhausted, her wailings had stopped and the powerful rippling down her body had ebbed away into weak spasms. Graystripe was huddled close to her, making a low, crooning noise deep in his throat, and his yellow eyes were fixed on the silver tabby's face. Neither had realised that Tigerclaw, ThunderClan's deputy, was there.
Cinderpaw had jumped down and was aiding Silverstream as she glanced towards the river, seeing the concerned face of Feathershade as she swam towards them. Cinderpaw disappeared for a moment, handing one of the kits to Fireheart before returning. "Silverstream!" exclaimed the she-cat as she nuzzled her friend's face. "Why would you leave camp? Mudfur and Duskpaw would be able to help, they did with Mistcloud, you mouse-brain!"
"I wanted... to have this moment... with Graystripe," she mewed weakly, the silver she-cat glancing towards the gap where Fireheart was. "I want you... to take... a kit back... to RiverClan, Feathershade."
"Don't talk like that," she mewed sadly, burying her face in her friend's neck fur. "You'll live, you have to live!"
"It's alive!" Fireheart gasped.
"Told you," Cinderpaw called to the warrior. "Keep licking. There's another one coming, any moment now. That's right, Silverstream... you're doing fine."
Tigerclaw had come down from the rock and was standing in the mouth of the gully with a look of thunder on his face. "That's a RiverClan cat," he hissed. "Will one of you tell me what's going on?"
Before any cat had time to reply, Cinderpaw let out a shout of triumph. "You've done it, Silverstream!" Cinderpaw turned to Tigerclaw with another tiny kit. "Here. Lick."
Tigerclaw glared at the apprentice. "I'm not a medicine cat," he growled. Cinderpaw rolled her eyes before handing the kit to Feathershade and getting her to lick the kit. Feathershade did, holding the kit as close to her as possible.
Cinderpaw turned back to Silverstream and meowed "You need to swallow this herb. Here, Graystripe, make her eat as much as she can. We need to stop the bleeding."
Feathershade watched as Silverstream ate the herb, but the bleeding wasn't stopping. "Silverstream?" she mewed, pausing in licking the kit before quickly continuing.
"Silverstream!" came the panicky meow of Graystripe.
Silverstream raised her head and feebly delivered a lick to Graystripe's face. "Goodbye Graystripe," she whispered. "I love you. Take care of our kits. Feathershade," he turned to look at the light grey she-cat, "take one of the kits back to RiverClan, give them to Mistcloud." Then the silver tabby's body gave a massive shudder. Her head fell back, her paws jerked, and she was still.
"Silverstream!" Cinderpaw whispered.
"No, Silverstream, no." Graystripe's mew as soft. "Don't go. Don't leave me." He bent over the limp body, nuzzling her gently. She didn't move.
Feathershade gave a sob, delivering a gentle lick to the RiverClan cat's forehead. "I'll honour your memory, my friend," she murmured before picking up the kit and turning to the others, placing the kit beside her paws. "I'll be of. Graystripe, give her a proper burial, please. RiverClan has lost a warrior but has gained a kit. Goodbye." Dipping her head to the ThunderClan warriors, deputy, and apprentice medicine cat before picking up the she-kit by her paws and heading back towards RiverClan. Upon arriving, Nightstream padded up to her.
"Feathershade! Whose kit is that?" he asked but he already knew what the answer was.
"Silverstream's female kit," she mewed as she padded towards the nursery where Mistcloud was nursing her five beautiful kits. "Mistcloud, could you nurse this kit? She's Silverstream's kit."
"Of course, but where is Silverstream?" the queen asked, tilting her head as Feathershade placed the tiny kit beside the others.
"Silverstream... is dead." She replied, head bowed in grief. Mistcloud and Nightstream gasped before they, too, bowed their heads in grief for the loss of their friend. Crookedstar listened from the other side of the camp, heart plummeting. He had just lost his only surviving kit. "What will you name her?"
"I know Silverstream always wanted to name a kit 'Feather' so that's what I'll name her, Featherkit." Mistcloud mewed quietly, licking the kit's head before delivering one to the other five kits. Feathershade and Nightstream touched noses with their sister before leaving her to tend to the kits.

New Horizons
FanfictionFireheart, Graystripe, and Mistcloud, as well as a large group of cats, leave their territory in search of a place where they fit in. They find it and are welcomed with open paws. ~ Started - 1.9.21 Completed - 17.10.21 ~ Total words: 25,221