The Inconvenient Dinosaur

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The Inconvenient Dinosaur

Zola Montgomery-Grey just turned 12 years old, and she took the babysitting course from her local recreation center last week.

And now she's babysitting.

And Zola's two brothers and her little sister are all completely obsessed with dinosaurs.

"Henry!?" Zola bellows from the kitchen. "Your mug's dirty."

"I cleaned it!" Henry whines back to her

"Not the dinosaur part," says Zola. "And you know that this mug is also Bailey and Ellis' favorite."

"Fine," Henry huffs his way to the kitchen, and washes the mug again until Zola is satisfied, and she can put it back in the cupboard.

"Why do you like that mug anyway? It's so much more work, and it doesn't fit in the dishwasher," Zola asks him.

"The dinosaur appears when you drink milk out of it, and it makes Ellis and Bailey smile," Henry says.

"Alright," Zola grins. "Can't argue with that one... But seriously, you've got to watch it when it's hand-washed," says Zola.

"Yeah, Zo..." Henry whines.

'Worse than our moms, that one,' says Henry when he thinks that Zola is finally out of earshot.

"I heard that!" says Zola, loud enough so that even Bailey and Ellis can hear her all the way from the kitchen.

But she's secretly very proud of it.

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