Authors Note

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Hello everyone! So if you have been following me you have seen that I have had a lot of shit go down in my life recently, If you haven't, well my friend of 9 years died in a car accident and another kid at my school ODed a week later and life has just been rough. And this all happened a week or so after my friend's dad died. So I have just had a rough past month. 

And I was going to do like a one-year writing special where I was gonna write like 5 chapters and then post them all on the day of my first anniversary of this book coming out. But that clearly didn't happen and it isn't. So I am deeply sorry if you were waiting on more chapters, but I have decided to retire this book unless I get some sort of free time and out of the slump that I am in. I hope that none of you are mad at me and I am sorry for making you wait this long. 

I also just have had no time anymore with school and work, and I just have no creative writing skills like I did last year. But I love you all so much and you all bring me so much joy!

I hope you all have an amazing rest of the year! And I am sending you love and good health! I love you all so much and don't forget that!

- Kate <3

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