It has been a week since I sided with these hunters and let's just say that they're pretty amazed. Ok I better explain. See these boys and the girl didn't know about my weapon. After Samuel Colt created "The Colt" he created a second gun. A powerful superweapon that does exactly the same as the original colt, but with a twist. This weapon can morph into any gun that is known to exist in the world. Each gun equipped with rounds that can kill anything and when I say anything I mean a weapon that can kill God himself. Wait it doesn't end there, as well as creating this gun he forged four extremely powerful super-weapons that each had its own special rounds but these rounds had their own secrets. The first one was a flamethrower equip with rare hellfire (the fire that dragons breathe with added strength) this weapon is able to burn any creature to a crisp. The second weapon is known as The Gatler, this high velocity turbo gun fires rare Demon Piercer rounds at the speed of light making easy to destroy a massive group. Super-weapon number three is a futuristic gun that shoots sub zero ice shards (or SZIS) allowing a quick rest from a tough battle. The final weapon he made was the most powerful, the Dark-Light Resonator, a super-sized death cannon that fires the extremely rare Dark Hole Geode round which on contact explodes into an extremely huge supernova that kills everything within a 50 mile radius. Knowing that these weapons were dangerous, Samuel Locked them away within the morph gun, which he called "The Blitzer", only allowing them to be unlocked if special requirements were met. After 4 years of crafting this he stored it away in a high security storage and gave the access codes to his eldest son and told him... "son when you get older, I want you to go to this storage site and find this gun." His son was 12 that day and now ten years on look who uses that Only I'm not Shade Colt...After retrieving this super-weapon...everyone knew me as Shade Bloodstone.