Chapter 16

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A blink brought them back to a dark embassy suite. And with the flick of his hand, the few lamps around the room were lit and cast a warm, dancing flicker of light about the space. Loki offered the bathroom to his guest first to clean up while he procured their meals and more tea. Though he was trying to be polite, Loki couldn't help but snatch glances at Endre as he made his way to the bathroom, stripping to bath. He felt a shot of excitement and nerves rear up in his stomach at the idea of being so close to two people he knew so well in such a short amount of time.

But he couldn't deny to himself how much less daunting time spent with this man was compared to Sif. Even though their time together as children had been short, the band-aid of uncertainty had been ripped off long ago, he knew what he was getting into this time around. Furthermore, he felt that some part of himself was far more drawn to him over Sif. Though he found Sif easy to love, Endre was proving to be even simpler. Time between them felt more natural and comfortable than nearly anyone else in his life. Loki marveled at the ease in which their conversations and interests overlapped. He felt that he could do this forever.

Fresh food and beverage were laid on the dining table while Loki combed through a tome, waiting for his turn in the bathroom. Eventually, the servant disappeared, and Loki went to prepare a cup of herbal tea that was specially chosen for the evenings to help with sleep.

Noises in the bathroom subsided and Endre emerged with a towel wrapped around his hips just as Loki had sat back down on the sofa. The older man strode over to the table to collect a drink before turning to Loki, who quickly snapped his eyes back to his reading.

"Bathroom's all yours." Endre murmured, bringing the cup to his lips, eyeing Loki as he strained to avert his gaze.

He nodded, glancing back once more before going to the clean himself. Endre snatched the book he'd been reading before and sat back at the table, drinking and consuming knowledge as he waited for Loki to return.

The young god later emerged in his emerald robe, hair damp and pushed back as he like, and joined Endre at the table where they began helping themselves to their meals.

They were silent for a while, eating and drinking, and Loki busied himself by taking in his friend's appearance. Endre had let his hair air-dry, tussling it with clawed fingers to loosen its grip against his skull. It fell in thick strands over his right shoulder and down his bare chest. A bare chest that was marred in scars and several inscrutable tattoos which appeared to have been draw on by a drunken amateur. But he was strapping and built as a warrior; strong and sure.

"Where'd you get those?" Loki asked, pointing out the tattoos. Endre chuckled looking down as if he'd forgotten they were there, but by pointing them out was flooded by the memories of their doing.

"Um, well, most of them were done after major battles were won by my comrades. We'd go out drinking and one of my friends loved to mark-up anybody who would let him, but he was horrendous so nobody, including myself, would ever let him do it unless we were very drunk. He claims that this one is a dragon, in honor of a creature I summoned to aid us." He pointed at a crude image beneath his left peck.

Loki smiled at the ugly thing. The idea of being adorned with milestones was a novelty he didn't realize he liked.

"What's that one?" He asked, pointing out a poorly drawn blob on his left shoulder.

"Would you believe me if I told you that it was a portrait?"

Loki gawked at him before busting into laughter, "Endre, they're terrible!"

"I know! But I love them. I don't care what they are, I just love that they remind me of my friend and our time together."

"Where is he now?" Loki had an idea but hoped that he was wrong.

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