Chapter 19

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sorry this update took a bit longer, I've been in school and its been busy! This is the last chapter, I need to wrap things up for school, but im sure ill be writing more in the future. I decided to do a little fan art picture of Loki and Endre, for reference of how they look in my mind. Thank you all for coming along on this long adventure, thank you for all the support! enjoy!

950 years later...

The face that stared back at him from the other side of the mirror seemed alien, but after several rapid blinks and refocused eyes, his features looked all but normal again. Loki adjusted the collar of his top and flatted the ridges of his cloak that flowed over his shoulders. The last piece to adorn was his helmet. Normally, he would have had the servants help him put it on, but he didn't want to see any of them if he could help it.

Turning from the mirror, Loki walked back across his chamber toward the bathroom, but at its entrance he turned on his heel in uncertainty and stalked back to the mirror. He repeated this path several times, becoming lost in thought until the door to his room fell open. His attention was snapped from its overthinking and a wave of palpable relaxation came over him. The pacing stopped and he peered at the door from the middle of the room.

"Oh, good, you're back." A relieved smile crossed Loki's lips, "Is Tyr doing alright?"

"Yes, he's fine. I don't know why the servants insist on us checking on him so frequently; broody teenagers aren't an anomaly."

"Especially the adopted ones... I'd know." Loki added under his breath, "He will be coming later though?" There was a hint of anxiety in his voice. Today was very important and he desperately wanted their son to be present, even if he was in a sour mood.

"Yes, he promised he would."

Relaxation fell over him further, "Ok, good. Thank you for talking to him." Loki turned his attention back to the crown he was still holding, "Would you help me put this on?"

The pair walked back over to the mirror and together they secured the crown to his head. It was clear that Loki was excited by the events of the day, but his nerves were getting to him.

"And how are you feeling?"

Loki glanced back at them in the mirror and warmed at the sight of what his life had culminated to, "I'm just thankful you're here with me. I don't think I ever would have made it this far without you by my side." He turned in place, looking down at their joined hands, the memories of their wedding day suddenly coming back to him, "What if I'm not ready for this?"

His husband, clad in the armor reserved for those knighted under the crown of Asgard, chuckled at the question, "Loki, if this were happening a century ago, I might agree with you, but you've received blessings from Odin and Thor and everybody else who matters, including myself of course, and I believe you are more than capable of ruling. Over the decades, you've proven your abilities more times than I care to count. Have some faith in yourself; I do. I'm so proud of you."

In response to his praise, Loki flushed and pulled his husband close, "Thank you. What time is it?"

Endre looked over at the sundial on the window, "Half past two. We should probably make our way downstairs."

Nodding his approval, Loki followed him out the door and down the many winding corridors to the House of Gods. At the entrance of the hall the pair paused to listen to the sound of hundred of bustling Asgardian citizens which filled the other room. Endre felt his prince's hand stiffen against his own to which he absently began massaging the stress away with his thumb, "Deep breaths." He reminded, staring through the door.

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