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"Go get ten, she has stuff to do today" Brenner said to one of his lab workers as they walked down the hall. He hated getting you out of your room, you were one of the hardest to get out without being injured.

You were sitting on the ground with your knees up to your chest. You were tired and scared, you just wanted to leave this place. You suddenly heard footsteps coming down the hallway, your eyes widened as it stopped by your door and watched as a shadow came through under the door. You started to breathe heavily and shuffled into the back corner. The door slammed open and in came one of the lab workers, you hated this lab worker. He was always so rude and violent towards you. He had a deep husky voice which made him scarier.

"Alright kid, come on. Papa wants you today" he said as he walked in and closed the door behind him. You tried to push yourself further into the wall as he slowly walked closer towards you. Your breathing got faster and you were scared of what he was going to do.

"Stay away from me!" you screamed at him, making him freeze and stare at you with an angry face.

"You don't yell at me and tell me what to do! Papa wants you so hurry up and get over here!"

He growled as he walked closer and bent down to pick you up.

Every time he yelled at you, you got angry and wanted to kill him. Your hands started to get steamy and he took a step back knowing what was going to happen next. Your hands lit up in flames and you were ready to strike and burn his arm.

All of a sudden you heard the alarms go off and everyone screaming. The lab worker quickly turned around and went towards the door, opening it a little bit so he could stick his head out and see what was going on. Your hands went back to normal and you slowly stood up, still against the wall. He turned back towards you and opened the door so he could run out.

"Stay here" he said and bolted leaving the door open. You slowly walked towards the door scared of what was going on out there. Your breathing picked up again as you got to the door. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, you grabbed the door handle and opened it slightly and saw all the lab workers running past your door.

 Your eyebrows frowned as you were confused about what was happening. You stood there for a few seconds before you thought this was your chance to escape. Once everyone had run past it was silent until you heard a loud roar, you sprinted down the hallway and ended up stopping at an elevator. You pressed the button for it to open and take you down but it wouldn't open, you were panicking and started aggressively pressing it hundreds of times. The doors wouldn't budge, you quickly turned around as you heard the loud roar again, except it was closer this time. Your eyes widened as you saw a large monster standing 30 feet away from you, there were bodies everywhere and you were so frightened from the sight of blood and dead people on the ground. 

Suddenly something ran into your side and you jumped, getting startled. when you looked to see what ran into you, you saw a girl that had a shaved head and she looked about your age. You lightly smiled at her, she just stared at you and you could see the fear in her eyes. you looked back towards the monster and grabbed the girl's hand as it came closer.

"RUNNNN!" you screamed at the top of your lungs.

Both of you ran down a different hallway than the monster and didn't turn back until you realized you both ran into a dead end. The monster walked around the corner and the girl hugged your side with her face hiding under your arm. You froze not knowing what to do, you stood there and thought this was it. Both of you were trapped. 

Flames//Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now