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You sat there and listened to them chat for a while, you didn't know half of the stuff they were talking about but just listened as it seemed interesting. Dustin leaned forward and cleared his throat. “So, Tia. Do you have some sort of power like El?”  you looked up at Dustin and sat on the edge of the couch. “W-we go o-outside” you stood up and started walking to the backdoor. “G-get some s-some st-sticks and b-branches p-please” You waited for the door as everyone walked out, you stopped Mike before he walked out. 

“Do you h-have something th-that i can c-cook or t-toast?” you were nervous, you couldn’t think of anything that you could cook or toast. He gave you a weird look then went to the kitchen. He came back with a bag “Is this okay?” he held up the bag showing you marshmallows. You nodded your head then took them from his hand and went out the door.

When you came outside you saw a bunch of sticks and small branches piled up, you looked at El and went over to her. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Your hands started to get steamy and you heard Mike gasp, not long after, your hands lit up into flames. You opened your eyes and saw everyone's eyes and mouth wide open, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself.

You slowly took a step towards the stickers and lit the small branches on fire, you jumped back quickly as all the branches lit up. Everyone shouted ‘wow’ then you looked over at El as she was still surprised which made you smile.

You saw the boys pick up a stick each and stabbed the marshmallow so the marshmallow was at the end of the stick, they put the stick over the fire and watched it toast. 

Mike came over with the bag of marshmallows and handed one to you and one to El. you picked up a stick and copied what they did. “That was super cool, Tia. It was amazing!” Mike seemed really happy and shocked, you were happy that everyone liked it. “Th-thanks Mike” you said with a smile, making him smile back.

This chapter was just for fun so I could write about Tia’s power :)
Hope you liked it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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