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You reached your hand towards Eleven "w-we n-needa go" you said quietly so the woman that walked in wouldn't hear.

Eleven looked at you then grabbed your hand and jumped off the bench then you ran towards the backdoor where you had first come from.

Once you turned the corner to run out the door, there were men coming in through the door with guns. You panicked, not sure of what to do, suddenly the men were thrown to the wall.

You stood there in shock not knowing how they got flung and knocked out. Eleven looked at you and whispered "telekinesis" before grabbing your hand and running with you, out towards the forest.

You were both running for a long time and it started to rain. Eleven sat down next to a tree as you were collecting sticks and putting them in a pile so you could light a fire when the rain had stopped.

"w-why s-sticks?" Eleven asked as she sat up, eager to know what you were going to say. You crouched down in front of her, about to respond until you heard footsteps and talking coming towards your way.

You saw your shadow on the tree and turned around. Three boys were shining flashlights on the two of you. Eleven quickly stood up and went to your side, holding your hand. She was scared and so were you.

After a couple of seconds of staring at each other, one of them with black hair spoke up "what are you doing here?" you didn't know what to say so you just stood there, scared. Eleven hid behind you, still holding your hand and you felt her rest her head on your shoulder.

The rain was getting heavier and we were all getting soaked. You started to shiver as it was getting cold quickly. You didn't want to be in this rain for any longer and you were sure Eleven didn't like it either.

The boy with black hair came closer "it's okay, i'm not going to hurt you" you took a step back almost stumbling over Eleven that was still behind you.

He reached out his hand towards you and you thought back to when the nice man back at the place gave you food.

At first you stared at him, not sure of what to do because you were scared, he slowly came closer again.
"You're okay, we can take you somewhere safe."

You reached out one of your hands and he took your hand and led you to the other boys. You were still holding Eleven's hand and looked back at her to see if she was okay, she gave you a small smile and you gave her one back in return.

The other boys stood there confused. "What are you doing Mike?" You could tell by the boy's voice he was annoyed.

"I don't know, we can't just leave them out here" he said, sounding a bit concerned.

"We don't know them! Plus, we came out here to look for Will, not take home two girls we don't even know!" the other boy spoke.

The two boys were still standing in the same spot not wanting to take the two girls home. The boy let go of your hand and stopped walking, he turned around to face the other boys

"They could help us find Will" he sounded a bit annoyed. Grabbing your hand again, the three of you walked towards a road that was out of the forest. He picked up his bike and started walking up the hill while you and Eleven walked a bit behind him. "Are you boys coming?" Without looking back he kept walking, pushing his bike up the hill.

"Wait up!" The boys came running out of the forest and grabbed their bikes, pushing them up the hill.

You heard the boys whispering about something so you turned around to see what they were talking about. As soon as you turned around, they went dead silent and awkwardly smiled. You just sighed and turned around and continued to walk.

Flames//Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now