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The monster started to come closer and the girl started whimpering, she was terrified. You didn't want to die from a huge scary monster, frantically you grabbed her hand quickly coming up with a plan to escape. You had to jump through the window.

I pulled the girl towards me "we j-jump through w-window"

The girl stared at me as if you were crazy then looked at the monster, she turned her head back towards you and slowly nodded. She gripped onto your hand tighter and was ready to jump.

It was dark outside so you could barely see the ground, you were hoping you weren't too far up above the ground. You would rather die from jumping off a building that a huge monster.

You took a deep breath as you and the girl started running towards the window, to your surprise it shaded as you both ran through it. With the girl still holding your hand, you were falling from the building.

As soon as you hit the ground you were in pain, you could barely move. You tried to turn your head towards the girl and saw her laying on her side with her eyes closed, she had become unconscious.

You slowly sat up trying to reach towards her but stopped as your head was throbbing in pain, you sighed and put your hands towards your face thinking about how you were going to escape this place.

After sitting for a couple of minutes your head was still aching but not as bad as before. Slowly, you shuffled over towards the young girl and shook her a bit to wake her up, you heard her sigh in pain as she had her eyes closed. She moved her hand to her wrist and grounded when she touched it.

You didn't want to startle her so you whispered "Y-you...o-okay?"

She opened her eyes and looked at you and did a little nod. You stood up and looked around, it was quiet. You looked up to see which window you jumped from and saw that it was the fourth floor from the ground, you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the girl wince.

You turned towards her and saw her looking at you with a sad face, holding her wrist with her other hand. You offered your hand to her as she grabbed it and used your hand to pull her up.

Once she was standing in front of you, you took her hurt wrist and had a look at it. It was swollen and possibly broken.

"W-we ne-need t-to leave" she said in a soft voice, only just being able to make out what she said.

Knowing that there's no time to waste, you nodded and grabbed her hand and started walking towards a forest and kept on going without looking back.

You had been walking for a while and started to get tired, you sat down leaning against a tree and started talking to the girl.

"N-number?" you asked softly.

She was leaning against your arm and she was definitely tired and sore. She looked towards you and pulled up her sleeve revealing a number; 011. Eleven pulled her sleeve back down once she knew you had seen it. You smiled and pulled yours up showing 010 tattooed in the same place she had hers.

Eleven clung onto your arm when you heard a sudden bang. You looked behind the tree and saw a big man throwing his rubbish bag into the bin. He walked back from where he came from, it was like a small building with a couple small lights around.

You stood up and reached for Elevens hand and pointed towards the direction you wanted to go. You both walked hand in hand towards the building and went through the door the man had just recently went in. You peeped your head around the corner to see what was there, once you saw the man further away with his head turned away from your direction, you walked in to see if anyone else was around.

Flames//Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now