Chapter 5: Just Acquaintances

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"Quinn's Pov" 

       I'm glad that Slade actually agreed to let me tag along with him and his sister. Who is one of the most adorable girls I have ever met in my life. Right now were in McDonald's and Slade is getting our food, while he is doing that I've been talking to his sister.

" So tell me what do you like to do for fun?" I ask with a huge grin. 

" My main favorite thing to do is ballet, it makes me feel like a princess." She giggles.

" Well you do look the part of princess." I say laughing at her cuteness. 

Before she could reply Slade walked over with our food, with the same unhappy look on his face that he always had. I'm glad he actually is talking to me now, but still I need to figure out who this "Lillian" girl is and what she did to make him like this. I know that look he wears on his face all too well, I used to see it in the mirror everyday. I just need to help him , because he deserves to find someone to help him like I did.

" Quinn is everything alright?" Slade asks with a frown.

" Yeah everything is fine, I was just lost in thought is all." I answer nonchalantly.

" Okay what did you and my little angel talk about while I was gone?" He questions clearly worried about something. 

" Oh Kamaria was just telling about how she does ballet." I say trying to push away old memories.

" Yeah maybe Quinn could come to them with you, so you won't be lonely!" Kamaria squeals. 

" I doubt Quinn would want to come." Slade says.

" Of course I would it sounds amazing!" I say joining in with Kamaria's enthusiasm. 

" Oh really." Slades whispers quietly. 

" Yeah of course unless you don't me to go?" I ask hurt.

" Sladey please let her come, I really want her to." Kamaria pouts.

" Fine if that's what you really want." Slade says exasperated.

" Yay, thank you Sladey , your the best brother ever!" Kamaria jumps up and hugs her brother excitedly. 

" Your welcome angel." He whispers with a grin on his face. 

       For the next thirty minutes we sit and talk while we eat our food. I can tell Slade really cares about his sister with the way he always seems to be happy around her. I haven't seen him like this with anyone else, without Kamaria there's no telling how he would be.. Still I feel like he needs someone to help him not just make him feel happy for short amounts of time. Kamaria is too young to help him with whatever he's going through anyways. Even though around her age I was feeling similarly to Slade. She acts younger than her age and still retains her innocence, Kamaria's very lucky to be still so naive especially in the age that we live in. 

         On the car ride home to my house it is deadly silent, Kamaria fell asleep as soon as we got in the car. Without her I can tell Slade doesn't see much need in keeping our conversation going. I'm trying to think of a topic to talk about, that will some how reveal what might being going on with him. This Lillian girl had to be someone close to him, either his best friend or girlfriend. The sadness in eyes says girlfriend but from what I've heard around school, the last girl he dated was the most popular girl in school Madeline. So far the facts I've gathered about him are that he used to popular, a jock, was a straight A student ,and he dated the cheer captain. No one has mentioned this Lillian girl which means she's a sacred topic. So I can't go around asking about her, plus I rather hear it from Slade than a bunch of rumor spreading teenagers. 

" Hey Slade, did you really  date Madeline?" I ask cautiously hoping that I won't mess up whatever little friendship we have. 

" What's it to you?!" He growls.

" Woah buddy, Sorry if it's a sore topic I just heard from people around school. I wanted to check with you to make sure it wasn't just a rumor!" I rush out hurriedly. Slade seemed to think over what he was going to say before he finally answered.

" Yes sadly we used to date." He sighed.

" Sadly?" I asked not able to help myself.

" Yes sadly." Slade mumbled. 

     After that I didn't ask anything else in fear of pissing him off again. The next six minutes of the car ride were silent until I pointed down at my street. Slade pulled slowly in front of my house as if trying to not wake Kamaria, even though she seemed to be a deep sleeper. My house was huge it looked the Mansion off of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. We sat for a couple awkward minutes just staring at my house until he finally said something.

" Nice house you got there." Slade whispered.

" Thanks." I answered not really sure what to say.

" Well I guess, I'll see you at school." He said while trying to smile but instead it came out more like a grimace.

" Yeah, uh bye." I said getting out of the car.

     As soon as I got up to the front of my house, he sped off. I know its weird but I couldn't help but think that it was cute that he waited until I was at my front door until he left. I also couldn't help but think of his pretty brown eyes. When I realized what I was doing I felt shocked and ashamed. 

" Your only trying to be his friend, nothing else." I whisper to myself.

" Besides why would he want a girl like me." I whispered again, before walking into my house feeling shaken.


OK I'm finally done with this chapter. I would have uploaded it yesterday but I was too lazy. I did it though and this weekend too like I said I would. So YAY! I'm happy to get back to writing and I'm sorry it's not longer. I just had to write at least one chapter this weekend to get a feel for writing again and where this plot is going. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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