🌧Party Party Yeah🌧

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"There's a party tonight? How did I not hear about this?" Jeongguk asked as he watched Hoseok change his clothes.

"I don't know, Jin-hyung invited me to come."

"That tall ass bastard! Why were you with him?"

"He found me at the library. He took me to go meet a merperson. They seemed cool," Hoseok explained.

"Amazing!" Jeongguk exclaimed.

"Did they have starfish on their chest?" Jeongguk asked.

"No, why would want to know that?"

"I don't know, it's something I imagine."

"Your fucking weird, geez."

"So, where is the party happening? I wanna go."

"Some guy name Cho is hosting it," Hoseok answered.

Cho? Where had Jeongguk heard that name from?

"Oh! Jiminie's boyfriend!"

"Jimin's boyfriend?"

"Yeah, that's Jimin's boyfriend. He told me about him. I was supposed to go look for him. Jimin dropped his wallet."

"Well, you can give it to him at the party."

"Great! Let me get dressed."

Jeongguk began to strip naked making Hoseok roll his eyes. By the time he was done, a knock was heard at the door.

Before Hoseok opened the door, Jin walked in, along with Y/n and some dude.

Oh! He was the guy from before.

"Hoseok, I haven't properly introduced you to my boyfriend. This is Siren," Y/n said, taking hold of Siren's hand.

"Can Merpeople and Sirens date?" Jeongguk asked, chiming in.

"Who is this?" Y/n asked.

"Oh! This is that rude bitch I told you about the other day!" Jin exclaimed.

"Rude! You were being rude to me!" Jeongguk yelled. Hoseok just rolled his eyes as he looked at Y/n.

"Ready to go?"

They nodded and they all walked out, leaving Jin and Jeongguk alone.


"Should I be scared?" Hoseok asked Y/n while dancing.

"Why would you be scared?"

"Because I'm human dancing at a vampires party."

"Don't worry about it, just tell them your Jin's friend. They'll leave you alone."

"Why? Is Jin some type of rich kid they're afraid of?" Hoseok asked.

"No, but Jin's best friend is seriously scary. He runs half of the vampires here. One snap of his finger and they will do anything he says," Y/n answered.

"Hey, can we have sex?" Siren asked back hugging Y/n

"Fine, I'll be back later Hoseok. Don't let anyone bite you!" Y/n teased, walking away, going upstairs.

Hoseok looked around and spotted Jeongguk headed outside. He decided to go see what's up.

"Yo! Kook, what are yo-"


Hoseok peaked from behind Jeongguk and saw Jimin talking to some guy. Well, it didn't look like a nice conversation.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? You lost my fucking wallet?! All of my damn money is in there! How the hell could you be so stupid!"

The guy slapped Jimin on the face making him fall on the ground, and Jeongguk clenched his fist. Before he could make a move, Hoseok held him back.

"I'm sorry! I'll go look for it!" Jimin squeaked out, holding his now red cheek.

"Your fucking right you will! You won't fucking sleep until you find my wallet. That has all of my shit in there!"

"I know, I'm sorry. Just please, don't hurt me," Jimin cried out.

"You think I'm going to hurt you over a fucking wallet? No baby, if I hurt you, it's because you're a fucking slut!"


"Don't think I haven't heard what people have been saying. Your sleep with some fucking freshman. You flirted with him in the cafeteria and one of the courtyards."

"NO! Jeongguk and I are just friends!"

"Jeongguk huh, at least I know his name. Now I can go best his ass."

"NO! Please, I'm sorry. Don't hurt him... Please. I'll do whatever you say. I won't go to class anymore and I'll just stay here with you. Just please, dont hurt anyone."

That was it! Jeongguk had enough. He push Hoseok off of him, but before he could walk up to the two, someone walked past him.

"What the hell is going on?" The guy said with a yawn at the end. He wore a pink sweater with black jeans. His hair was black and his skin was very pale.

"Yoongi? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I was forced, now you answer my question. Why the fuck are you putting hands-on Jimin? Do I need to beat your ass again?"


"Then get the fuck out of here! Now!"

The guy glared at Jimin before quickly leaving.

He passed by Hoseok and Jeongguk, glancing at them before leaving.

Jeongguk then ran over to Jimin, helping him up.

"Jeongguk? What are you doing here? You have to go before Cho does something," Jimin said wiping his tears.

"That was Cho!"

"Yes, now you have to go. Otherwise, he will hurt you and me."


"I'm ok, just go...please."

"You heard him dog, leave," The pale man said.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Jeongguk asked, his fist clenched.

"Someone who knows how to do something, instead of watching someone get beat."

Jeongguk looked away at that.

"You always attract the crazy ones Jimin. You need to stop being nice to people. After this school year, I won't be here to protect you anymore."

"I'm sorry hyung," Jimin said looking at the ground.

"Get your shit from Cho and spend the night with me. Understand?"

Jimin nodded and the guy turned around, walking away. He locked eyes with Hoseok and his steps came to a stop.

I lvoe you mroe tahn aynhtnig, Ynoogi!

Yoongi shook off his thoughts and continued walking away.

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